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Workers at 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee Plant Busted for Bad Behavior

The only thing that upsets me about them being fired is that it doesn't change anything.

Taxpayers were funding their paycheque before they lost their jobs; now we'll get to cover their unemployment.

You don't get unemployment when you're fired or let go for misconduct.
You don't get unemployment when you're fired or let go for misconduct.

Depends on the state. My recollection is that in CA, it was possible to collect after being fired provided there was no misconduct involved - basically, the State didn't differentiate between 'laid off' and 'fired', though they did seem to have a concept of 'fired due to misconduct'.
In CA if you get fired there is no Unemployment.


If you try to get a new job and they call your previous employer then your previous employer cannot say bad things about you. They can only say they would not rehire you.

I agree its too bad more couldn't happen, but then again they were only drinking and smoking, the most is a ticket/fine. (besides firing)

Can't punish the company because they did the right thing when it went public.
Doing it DURING work is stupid, wait till your home to do illegal things.

And ITS NOT JUST WEED, they were drinking also.

Try paying attention dude, or put the pipe down before you post.

FWIW, Pot is still against the law and so is driving drunk. Going to work drunk not allowed either...

Glad they got fired.

Agreed it's stupid but it's the individuals stupidity. Look around you at work how many stupid people are there. How many stupid people are there per capita in America, and how many people work for minimum wage at a auto manufacturer. If they don't see it how can they fire someone for it. My point is this is an attempt to make news out of nothing. This is happening everywhere not just auto facilitys. The fact that they received a bailout is irrelevant.
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Chrysler Workers Are Fired To "Restore Faith" in Product

Just the Facts:
  • Chrysler has fired 13 workers at the Detroit plant that builds the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee after they were caught drinking and smoking pot on their lunch hour.
  • Chrysler said the fired workers "violated the company's standards of conduct."
  • Fox 2 Detroit tracked the employees for days in late summer and caught them on tape misbehaving at a local park near the plant.

AUBURN HILLS, Michigan — Chrysler late Monday fired 13 workers at the Detroit assembly plant that builds the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee after they were caught drinking and smoking pot on their lunch hour by a Detroit TV station. The scandal triggered concerns among the buying public about the quality of Chrysler products in the aftermath of a federal bailout last year. The automaker addressed those concerns in a statement, saying that it "will work to restore the public's faith."

"Our customers can be assured that the Jefferson North Assembly Plant has implemented a comprehensive quality system for all of the vehicles it builds," said the Chrysler statement. "This system has redundant controls that do not allow a single person's error to result in a quality problem flowing to the customer.

"In fact, early warranty results indicate that the quality performance from the launch of the new Grand Cherokee may be the best launch in the history of Chrysler for vehicle reliability."

The bad behavior of the 13 fired Chrysler workers seemed ironic, given a commercial for the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee that featured the ringing of hammers, a welder and scenes from a factory as the announcer intoned that craftsmanship and quality "are matters of personal pride" to Chrysler workers. The commercial says that the new Grand Cherokee "is well made and it is designed to work." The tagline for the ad is, "The things we make, make us."

"As is evidenced by the swift action taken in this matter, it should be clear that Chrysler Group will not tolerate such behavior and will continue to evaluate its protocols to ensure that something like this does not happen again," it said.

Chrysler said the fired workers "violated the company's standards of conduct." Two other employees will receive a one-month disciplinary layoff without pay.

"It is unfortunate that the actions of a few people have called into question the reputation of more than 51,000 very proud, hard-working Chrysler Group employees, grateful that the American and Canadian taxpayers gave us a second chance," the statement said.

Fox 2 Detroit tracked the employees for days in late summer and caught them on tape at a local park near the plant, drinking beer and smoking pot on their lunch hour. When approached by the reporter and camera crew, the workers jumped into their vehicles and peeled out of the parking lot.

Jefferson North Assembly was the backdrop in late July for a visit by President Obama, who praised American workers, saying "I would bet on the American worker any day of the week."

Inside Line says: Chrysler isn't fooling around when it comes to damage control in this scandal. — Anita Lienert, Correspondent
Agreed it's stupid but it's the individuals stupidity.

That's the key component here - these people weren't fired because they got drunk and/or stoned; they got fired for being stupid enough to do it in a way that would have brought the consequences of that choice back into the workplace.

I once had to let a guy go for being dumb enough to look at porn in the workplace. The issue wasn't so much that he was looking at porn; it was that he was dumb enough to do it somewhere entirely inappropriate. Same thing with these guys, except that the potential consequences of them assembling a vehicle poorly while impaired are a lot greater than the guy I had to deal with who was a DVD archivist and duplicator.

My point is this is an attempt to make news out of nothing. This is happening everywhere not just auto facilitys. The fact that they received a bailout is irrelevant.

While I agree that this is pretty much a non-story and that it goes on a lot more widely than just this (if you've eaten in a high-traffic restaurant lately, there's a good chance that the line cook making your food was high as a kite), I disagree that the bailout is irrelevant. As Chrylser is now largely taxpayer-funded, as a taxpayer I do not want people who engage in this kind of behaviour determining the future of a company that I'm an indentured stakeholder in by assembling vehicles while impaired.

Note that none of this should be taken to mean that I give a damn how they spend their free time; I'm enough of a libertarian to not care if they want to get hammered or stoned to the bejeezus belt. But they need to do it at home where the consequences of their actions would have a much lesser impact.