Camille and I completed our will a month or so ago and we are in the midst of establishing a family trust. The will with a mediacl declaration was only $300. Our situation is a bit different then most due to our farm and the assets at hand in the ways of machinery, land and investments. Only having one kid is not overly difficult for wills and future planning, but you damn sure want to make sure you at a bare minimum have a will established if you have a child under the age of 18 b/c they will become a ward of the state if something were to happen to you both. Contrary to popular belief, the child does not automatically revert to a grandparent if you were both to perish, the state will get involved and it can drag on, and on, and on. You got my digits bro, if you would like to talk about this type of stuff, I am fairly well veresed in it and having an accountant/farmer as a father in law, we are definatly numbers people and he is very smart in the ways of estate planning from mild to wild.
I also just realized that damn axle is rolling around the backseat of the truck all week, I will try to remember to ship tomorrow morning, sorry!