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who else stops and pulls out stuck cars all the time?

I have to admit this past winter I saw surprisingly few people stuck. Granted I didn't have my Jeep on the road so I was in no position to pull people out anyway since I was driving my car, though I try to stop and make sure that the people who are stuck at least have a cell phone to call for a hand. If I am in my Jeep I will stop to give a pull if needed. I have actually been tempted to carry a folder with waivers so if I stop to help someone I can just have a cookie cutter sheet saying "I [person who is stuck] will not sue [name/names of people who are helping] for any damage done to my vehicle while they are helping me. I understand that they will make every effort to protect my property, however in the event that damage does occur the above mentioned individuals are not responsible (financially or otherwise)." then have written names, signatures, and dates for all parties involved. Granted there would be more thought and effort put into said waiver than that but you get the idea :rolleyes:

I really hate that I have even had to consider carrying a waiver to help someone else out... it sucks that it has come down to that these days with all the lawsuit happy ****s out there
ive come to realize that if they hook there own car/truck on then its there own fault if i rip it in half but it never comes down to that......some ignorant ungratefull pieces of s!@t out there and they wonder whats wrong with this country :smsoap:
You see more people helping each other out in more rural areas, in suburbia, or in a city, I would be very reluctant to tug someone out, up where I live it's a little more common. I bet as more of the sue-happy population moves this way that will change. I wont stop now unless someone is in really dire trouble or I know them
well up here in maine i dont think ppl can afford a tow truck let alone the cost to sue someone for ripping a part off....we work hard but dont make much. *vacationland*
The last guy I stopped for (Monday evening) didn't need a pull, he was broken down on the side of i90... gave him a ride to the nearest large town (Auburn) so he could get some food and call for pickup easier. Found out he was a boston police auto accident investigator afterwards when he gave me his card :shocked: I'm pretty sure the Jeep scared him shitless.
I Live in texas and like what has been said... I dont really have to worry about being sued.. I have only had two times when i was pissed that i stopped and helped someone..

The first i was eating at a sonic in middle of my meal and some dude comes up and asks me to get his van out of the ditch... So i put down my food to go help pull him out go un hook my rope.. The guy backs up and drives off.. Never said thanks you waved or anything .. Pissed me off

The other one was a friend... And he got his iroc stuck in a ditch Middle of a big ass rain storm and the whole time i was hooking up and everything he sat in his car... Then i had to lay in the mud to find something to hook up too.. And he still never got out of his car... I got back to his house covered in mud and dripping wet... And he was compleatly dry... Luckly his parents are cool as hell and they paid me for it lol
The other one was a friend... And he got his iroc stuck in a ditch Middle of a big ass rain storm and the whole time i was hooking up and everything he sat in his car... Then i had to lay in the mud to find something to hook up too.. And he still never got out of his car... I got back to his house covered in mud and dripping wet... And he was compleatly dry... Luckly his parents are cool as hell and they paid me for it lol

Most people have a rule that if it's raining, muddy or hooking up requires laying on the ground, the driver of the stuck vehicle is the one to do the work. Hey, they're being saved a $150 bill from a tow truck, they can get a little dirty. :)
You see more people helping each other out in more rural areas, in suburbia, or in a city, I would be very reluctant to tug someone out, up where I live it's a little more common. I bet as more of the sue-happy population moves this way that will change. I wont stop now unless someone is in really dire trouble or I know them

Yup, if something breaks, it's your fault (even if it was already broken....) or you stop to help and get robbed or worse......... Plus in my case I really don't feel sorry for somebody who gets stuck in a snow bank by ramming their truck into it on purpose............

Most people have a rule that if it's raining, muddy or hooking up requires laying on the ground, the driver of the stuck vehicle is the one to do the work. Hey, they're being saved a $150 bill from a tow truck, they can get a little dirty. :)

about a year ago, my phone rings at 3am, and its some random guy asking me to come pull him out of the mud. I asked him where he got my number, turns out he bought a jeep that someone I new has sold about 5 years ago. 3 owners later, it turns out my number is still written on the inside of the center console
I will do it sometimes. Depends who is my car with me and how busy I am.
I think that has a lot to do with it for me. If I am driving into work on a normal day I probably wouldn't stop; if I am driving home I am more likely to stop.

about a year ago, my phone rings at 3am, and its some random guy asking me to come pull him out of the mud. I asked him where he got my number, turns out he bought a jeep that someone I new has sold about 5 years ago. 3 owners later, it turns out my number is still written on the inside of the center console
So did you go to help him out? :roll:
I've never had to pull anyone out with my XJ, but when I had my LJ it seemed like I had to pull someone out every time i'd go out. 3/4 T Chevys, 'Burbans, F-150's, WJ's, even a F-350 I've pulled with the LJ. I'm sure the XJ can do everything the LJ can do. They have almost the same exact specs minus the insignificant deeper gearing and the 42RLE which I think the AW4 is superior to.
Yup, if something breaks, it's your fault (even if it was already broken....) or you stop to help and get robbed or worse......... Plus in my case I really don't feel sorry for somebody who gets stuck in a snow bank by ramming their truck into it on purpose............

x2. I usually only stop to ask if they need help. If I need to pull them out, I always turn the jeep off and take my keys with me when hooking it up. Usually the other person will hook the tow strap to their vehicle so its not my problem if something breaks. That is unless its a college girl whos stuck in a snowbank... I'll gladly crawl in the snow under her car. I even let some chick sit in my jeep and warm up while I towed her car out.
Yeah, some people are cool and others just see things as pay day. I blame lawyers for most of the crap we have to deal with, I understand SOME people need to get taken to court but most of the time its rubbish. People do it because they can get away with it and get money or 15 minutes of fame from it. Its sad, you know I'll help other wheelers out and maybe some one else stuck on the road if they seem to be on the same terms as me BUT you know...one time I was sitting outside Starbucks enjoying coffee and reading and a kid running down the side walk tripped, ate Sh!t and started crying with tears as big as horse turds. You know what I did? Sat there and assessed the situation, looked to see if he was really hurt and decided if it was worth explaining my self to some other adult or parent what I was doing helping their kid up. By the time I made a decision the parents had already walked over and I continued to sit there and mind my own business. I feel bad and the kid was probably more shocked that they fell then actually injured but I saw that turning into "you touched my kid" and I opted to watch them cry then help out. In my eyes this is the new America, that should be a sad day for all of us when that runs through our thoughts before helping someone out. Especially a kid, I say screw shyster lawyers.
I have actually been tempted to carry a folder with waivers so if I stop to help someone I can just have a cookie cutter sheet saying "I [person who is stuck] will not sue [name/names of people who are helping] for any damage done to my vehicle while they are helping me. I understand that they will make every effort to protect my property, however in the event that damage does occur the above mentioned individuals are not responsible (financially or otherwise)." then have written names, signatures, and dates for all parties involved. Granted there would be more thought and effort put into said waiver than that but you get the idea :rolleyes:

I really hate that I have even had to consider carrying a waiver to help someone else out... it sucks that it has come down to that these days with all the lawsuit happy ****s out there

Same here. Past couple of winters we've had good snow storms, and of course everybody else is trying to get off the roads and get home...except me :D. I've thought about typing up a little blurb along the same lines just in case. This winter by the time I found people stuck in the ditch they had abandoned their cars or already had tow trucks working on getting them out.

I've stopped to help people in the past who have been in trouble. One of which was a drunk woman who put her Forrester into a creek trying to turn around in the middle of the road at about 10:00pm...while on my way home from my part time job in high school. Didn't realize she was drunk until about 30 seconds after I got out to see if she was alright. Called the cops and stayed with her to blocked traffic from coming around the corner and hitting her or her car until the cops showed up. Cop lady showed up, asked me my side of the story and I told her that she appeared to be plastered, but i'm pretty sure the cop figured that out about as quick as I did. Cop thanked me for being a good Samaritan and sent me on my way.
he was trespassing, so no. I did offer to call the owner though:phone:

You're pretty nice then, I'd have called the owners and cops since the bastard woke me up at 3am:gonnablow

x2. I usually only stop to ask if they need help. If I need to pull them out, I always turn the jeep off and take my keys with me when hooking it up. Usually the other person will hook the tow strap to their vehicle so its not my problem if something breaks. That is unless its a college girl whos stuck in a snowbank... I'll gladly crawl in the snow under her car. I even let some chick sit in my jeep and warm up while I towed her car out.

I never get that lucky though.........

I pulled out my neighbors stuck work van and his 2wd F150 that he used to try and push the van out.

That's not much of a suprise, Dad has an employer owned F150 for a work truck that is like that, without trying to move another truck!
i almost always stop to offer help. i pulled a stuck sdg&e ford ranger out of some iceplant/muck on the side of the freeway once. as a matter of fact, i even keep a couple shackles and a strap in the integra, just in case. the one exception: driving the xj through the local mountains last year while it was snowing pretty good, some lady was riding my ass in a camry. i pulled over and she blew by me going way too fast for the snow(plows hadn't been through yet-'bout 8" of snow on the road). she lost it on the very next curve. slid off the road into a ditch. i slowed down to make sure she wasn't hurt, she was fine. she started to put her window down, i smiled and waved and drove on. :wave1:

lol, I would have done the same thing :roll: