Yep, its custom. The black one was built by Matt (aka rredalty), but belongs to Tim (aka Thehardstruggler). The charcoal one was built by me. They both have their pros and cons though. Tims is really sleek and super tight fitting, but offers little protection unless you roll it. Then it will keep the roof off of your head! Haha. The charcoal one (owned by Brent) has a lot more too it. Like Tim's, it is a hybrid cage with interior and exterior support, but Brents has internal B & C pillar supports with the C pillar one having an X built into it for added strength. Also, Brent's is more for somebody who doesn't want to dent their jeep, with the exception of the doors, its virtually impossible to dent the thing. Tims is lighter weight, and is for somebody who is all business and likes to flop it!