Similar thing happened to me, my UCA crushed the hard line against the oil pan when I flexed it, so it was leaking like a sieve. I ended up driving it 3+ miles with little to no trans fluid left, slipping bad the last 1/4 mile or so. Barely limped it into a Walgreen's lot and let the manager know so it didn't get towed or whatever. Came back the next day and fixed it up/filled it and it shifted fine. Few months later at an offroad event I was thrashing on the Jeep hard, ended up killing my alt and overheating badly without noticing (temp sensor doesn't seem to work with very low voltage:doh: lol.) So anyways, still using the same AW4, offroad and everything. It's really impressed me, the amount of abuse it's taken. I'd say if it's working fine you're good to go.
P.S. Back when I broke my trans lines it was just pouring onto the exhaust, smoking like hell. I was too stupid at the time to think "hmmm thats flammable" but anyways, no fire occurred. ATF flashpoint is around 400-500 Fahrenheit, exhaust temps around the trans area are right around there. Needless to say the Jeep is now equipped with a fire extinguisher...