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Thomas, let’s see that birth certificate!


"I'm not dead yet."
NAXJA Member
As it sits right now; you can’t help but wonder if good old Tom had December 12, 2012 in mind. Although 12/12/12 may actually be at least 60 days premature, “the Long Count” is none the less drawing to a close; and a new era is to begin; all 5,126 years of it. Truthfully, though, I cannot bring myself to believe that with the Mayan’s celestial insight they would not end a calendar on the winter solstice; but I digress.
Let’s get back to Tom; shall we? As an intelligent man he wouldn’t have bought in to this “end of the world crap, he would have understood that the end of the “Long Count” was to be a time of great change; that’s all.
“Change”, huh Tom? What on earth would you possibly have to say on that? Go figure; When did you ever make it to South America? I have always thought you were a Virginian; Mayan? Really Tom?

I know Tom, I swore I wasn’t going to go back in here; you started it, though! And no; it wouldn’t be the first time that happened either.
WOW! Th_Q really is gone, Avery; I hate it when you're right.