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Random thought: ATTN COLLEGE GRADS...Was college worth it?

I know it doesn't apply to your life scenario, but I believe four years in any brach of the Armed Forces does more good for a person than the same amount of college ever will.
After that, one can use their GI Bill for the education they believe will give them the most advantage in life.
Not to mention, that person will be 1000% more qualified to decide their future than they were, four years prior, as a child.
OT said:
I know it doesn't apply to your life scenario, but I believe four years in any brach of the Armed Forces does more good for a person than the same amount of college ever will.
After that, one can use their GI Bill for the education they believe will give them the most advantage in life.
Not to mention, that person will be 1000% more qualified to decide their future than they were, four years prior, as a child.

I think we have a winner!

However, don't just enlist with the idea of "making money for college" - you are subject to being called up for pretty much anything, and you'll want to make sure enlisting - along with the rotten hours and worse pay - is something you really want to do.

However, if you go in with your eyes open, you're all but guaranteed to learn quite a bit about yourself, and you'll know more about where your limits are than most other people - probably because you pushed quite a few of them farther out than they were four years before.

And, I honestly don't think anyone knows what they want to do with the rest of their lives at 18 - you're just grown up, and you're still figuring out how to act. At 22, you're going to be eminently more qualified.

Besides, if you've got a REMF job, you'll be able to take courses while you're in, and get most of your first year of college out of the way more or less at your leisure...

Random thoughts: You've recieved alot of good advice here from people who've been around the block and have experienced different levels of life and success. The only thing I have not read about in this thread is drive, confidence and the desire to do something positive with your life. Those three elements, not necessarily in that order in my opinion, will be the greatest determinant of where you end up. You sound like you're on the right track. There are alot of people your age who are clueless and not even discussing these issues or seeking advice. I read a study years ago that documented the lives of successful people. These people weren't wildly wealthy but lived well-rounded comfortable lives. Interestingly the thing that they all shared in common was the way that they handled major life setbacks. They all kept moving forward through those situations rather than becoming paralyzed by them. That was something to think about. Anyway, like I said, you're on the right track. Good luck in your persuits.
IMHO the degree will open the door and experience will get you hired over the other applicants. To get the experience while in school, find an internship (preferably with a company you may want to work for), they are are a great way to go, and that's how I landed my job a semester before graduating (of course contingent upon finishing). Don't forget, you will also get to meet a lot of girls in school, since the proportion of female students is steadily rising, and that's how I met my fiance. In the end, my profession requires a BS/BA to become certified, so it is a necessity.

Good luck!
The stats are that the difference between how much the average joe earns with and without a degree is roughly 4 times over a lifetime.
So, let me get this straight: IF I actually bothered to go to college, take the 12 hours of basic studies that I need get the degree in (bachelor whatever the heck) aerospace maintence, then I could concievably make MORE than the $145,000 that I make now, while actually holding NO degree mind you, driving a truck, being MY own boss (notice the lack of the term "manager"), taking care of my family quite nicely, AND still be able to take a vacation WHEN I want, for as LONG as I want, and STILL have money in the bank? WOW! Maybe I should re-think this "higher education" thing. Then again, maybe not. I do belive that my "drive" to make it life has proven to be more than enough to achieve MY expextations, WITHOUT the need to be "driven to be a CEO". Not bad for being 35 years old, saying to hell with public school in the beginning of the 9th grade, and basically ignoring "higher education" because it is not worth it to me.
Basically, if you want to go to college, then go, but even in this "high tech" world, you can still make a VERY comfortable living and NOT be a player in the ratrace/ "I wanna be a CEO, or I ain't gonna work" world. Oh, well just do what you feel is right for your education and interest in life.
End anti-higher education rant. (personal feelings and happiness with MY place in life, other peoples opinion of my life be damned.)
ren said:
So, let me get this straight: IF I actually bothered to go to college, take the 12 hours of basic studies that I need get the degree in (bachelor whatever the heck) aerospace maintence, then I could concievably make MORE than the $145,000 that I make now.....
End anti-higher education rant. (personal feelings and happiness with MY place in life, other peoples opinion of my life be damned.)

I think he used the word "stats". Use $12 of that $145/year and buy a statistics textbook that will explain "averages".

In my case I worked in the construction industry till an accident forced me back to school. Now I make slightly more than I would have in construction, but have much better benifits and long-term growth and security. I also have a lot of debt from getting through a BS and grad school with 4 kids-
My BS was the very best 4 years of my life, according to several old and dear friends. I don't actually remember a lot of it. It was the '70's . . . .beyond that it gets a little foggy.
I just graduated college, got my degree in business administration... it was definately worth it. I had a good job within a month, and I'm in LA. I'm looking forward to going back for my masters though.
God I hope so...
I have 30,000 in debts to The Man already... and another year to pay for after this...
XJ_ranger said:
God I hope so...
I have 30,000 in debts to The Man already... and another year to pay for after this...

i do too, considering my dream is to go into business for myself anyways when i get out of school
If I have two candidates in front of me that are more or less equivalent I will go with the one that has a degree versus one that did not complete a degree.


Because the one with the degree has the intestinal fortitude to get the job done and not bail when things get "tough".

School is bull shit. So is the work place a lot of times. Deal with it and get your degree.
Root Moose said:
Because the one with the degree has the intestinal fortitude to get the job done and not bail when things get "tough".

You can tell that by looking at a piece of paper? :wstupid:
Get your degree, no matter what dicipline it is in.

I had an Associates in Health Science at the same time my wife got her bachelors. I was working as an EMT, and hated the job...but new I could go to college when she went to work....doing the trade off thing. We moved to where she could get a job, but there was no 4 year college there.

Well, about that time I blew my knee out and went to work setting up computers for a state agency. Even having the AS degree got me an interview.

Took another 10 years 'til I finally finished my BS (last year) in MIS. Doing classes as I could around work and a family. Some were correspondence, some were internet, and some were at the "remote" campus. It became important to me to finsh.

If you can do it now, with only 1 year remaining...I'd say go for it and finish. Even if you go into another field after grad. It is only like 55% of people that actually work in their degree field.....

91G-Dub said:
Best 7 years of my life!


Best two years of my life!

Being a sophmore!
this is funny reading this , I'm actually going back to school to get my associates degree in Business. The only reason I'm getting it is because it's required by all insurance company for damage appraisers which is my desired position. What's really irritating is they do not require a specific degree just a degree. I have all the specific certifications for this positions already but no one will hire me without the degree even though I know more then most of the current adjusters out there. Whats really funny is I currently run a power wash company and last year I made $75,000 for myself with that business, as a damage appraiser I'll never make more then $60,000 so I make more without the degree and by getting the degree I'll be over qualified for alot of positions. The only reason I'm doing the switch is because I have a bad back that can't keep up with the demands of physical labor, but I will be keeping the business running with a couple of employees and I plan to make $25,000 a year from it when I step away from the day to day, so with the planed $50,000 I'll make working for an insurance company I'll be back up to the $75,000 I'm currently at but I'll have two jobs. So I personally think a degree is relative to your needs and desires in life.
Re: Random thought: ATTN COLLEFE GHDS...Was college worth it?

detailbarn said:
this is funny reading this , I'm actually going back to school to get mx as"lciates degree in Btsindps. The only reason I'm getting it is because it's required by all insurance company for damage appraistps which is my desired position. What's really irritating is they do not require a specific degree just a degree. I have all thd*specific certifications for this positions already but no one will hire me without the degree even though I know more then most of the current adjusters ott tdre. Whats really funny is I currently run a power wash company and last year I made $75,000 for myself with that business, as a damage appraiser I'll never make more then $60,000 so I make more without the degree and bx ge¤ting the degree I'll be`lver qualified for alot of positions. The only reason I'm doing the switch is because I have a bad back that can't keep up with the demhds of physical labor, but I will be keeping the business running with a couple of employeer an I plan to make $25,000 a year from it when I step away from the day to day, so with the planed $50,000 I'll make working for an insurance company I'll be backtp to the $75,000 I'm currently at but I'll have two jobs. So I personally think a degree is relative to your needs and deshreshn life.

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