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Petition to Secede

Indeed. Electoral College is a bunch of B.S.

Very quoteable Chris. Bravo. :thumbup:

"I tend to think that the only real principle that the civil war established was that when you have a tyrant in the white house with no regard for the natural rights of men, you may end up with several hundred thousand of them dead."
And several hundred thousand dead would pail on comparison with what would happen in today's world should this happen again, the right of the people to throw it off is long gone, do we really think that our "sticks and stones" would have a snowballs chance in hell of being able to overthrow this gov. I think not! We've let the power of the federal gov creep up to the point of no return!
And several hundred thousand dead would pail on comparison with what would happen in today's world should this happen again, the right of the people to throw it off is long gone, do we really think that our "sticks and stones" would have a snowballs chance in hell of being able to overthrow this gov. I think not! We've let the power of the federal gov creep up to the point of no return!

Who do you think would protect them?
I really think you guys are taking my posts the wrong way.... I'm not defending the government. I just think that we can still turn it around before its too late. And if not not I'm ready to defend my home and my way of life to the death if need be. Now imma go to sleep because I'm drunk and I need to sleep! Hahaha nighty night
A drunk JD is a phunnay JD........ :laugh:
I am. And so are you, or we're all doomed.
Oh my look what my rambling started! Ha but now that ive recovered and have reviewed the thread, I stand by most of my statements