I have a 92. 5 speed manual. I replaced the slave cylinder because it completely wore out and dumped all of the fluid. I replaced the slave cylinder and the clutch because it came with the kit. I got everything back together and refilled the reservoir, then immediately noticed a leak out of the bell housing. Come to find out that there is a small O-ring that seals the fluid into the slave cylinder, that was missing from the set up I bought from Autozone. So I got the O-rings off of the old one and now it seems to be holding its fluid. I refilled the reservoir again and bled the lines. Now the interesting part, It seems that if I drive for more than 15 minutes the pedal has to be mashed into the floor and then I can pull my stick out of gear. My reverse gear will disengage sometimes if I leave it in 1st for about 10 seconds and then put it in reverse. Even then it will grind. I am tired of getting looks from everybody thinking I don't know how to drive my vehicle. Any help would be much appreciated. -John.