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Mowing Lawns

Should you mow the neighbor's lawn?

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NAXJA Member
NAXJA Member
I do not live in an HOA area. I live in a traditional neighborhood where it is up to the residents to maintain their yards in the manner they deem appropriate.

Last weekend I decided to mow my neighbor's lawn. It was the only unkempt lawn on my block and there were some very long patches. I would say it had been months since the last mow. I never went over and suggested the neighbor mow or ask if they wanted my help.

I'm interested in hearing your opinion on my actions and mowing other peoples lawns.
I've mowed neighbors yards dozens of times when they've needed help, but never without prior asking or discussion. Then again the yards are maintained pretty well.

You are mowing already? Jeez, I've still got snow patches.
There were several patches of grass probably 12" tall. I had to take the weedeater to them first.

I had been in the habit of mowing the little 5' wide strip adjoining my yard when I mow mine, because it's so little area. The big side is what had gone wild.
I used to mow my neighbor's yard. He was old. Now that I am old, who is going to mow my yard?
my old neighbor used to mow 2 strips into my yard and it pissed me off b/c he would lift up the grass deflector and shower grass all over my vehicles and boat. One day I walked out with my leaf blower and blew the grass back at him. This crap went on and as menacing neighbor problems built..I sold the house and moved to the country..it was so bad that I was about to beat the ol' man. Who wants to come and help me mow my 7 acre yard??? :D The cattle "mow" the other 120 acres. :farmer:
I hate mowing lawns, i cant wait till my son is old enough to be put to work :D

let the city cut his lawn if he wont, a couple times getting a $80/hr charge he might think about it
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I do not live in an HOA area. I live in a traditional neighborhood where it is up to the residents to maintain their yards in the manner they deem appropriate.

Last weekend I decided to mow my neighbor's lawn. It was the only unkempt lawn on my block and there were some very long patches. I would say it had been months since the last mow. I never went over and suggested the neighbor mow or ask if they wanted my help.

I'm interested in hearing your opinion on my actions and mowing other peoples lawns.

It depends on the relationship you have with your neighbor. If the neighbor was a young dude that was just being lazy, I'd insist that he mow his own yard. If it were someone that couldn't do it for themselves or who was in a difficult situation, I would be happy to help them out.
First, I wondered if you and the neighbor get along. If so, he/she probably wouldn't mind. However, if you are just casual aquaintances, I would not do it. Good way to show disrespect IMO.
It depends on the relationship you have with your neighbor. If the neighbor was a young dude that was just being lazy, I'd insist that he mow his own yard. If it were someone that couldn't do it for themselves or who was in a difficult situation, I would be happy to help them out.


I have a young neighbor next door that doesn't mow or do any cleanup. in fact his trash blows into my yard and pisses me off. I'm not doing crap for that guy.

My cool neighbor is mid 40's and about to have a hernia operation next week. I will mow his grass when I mow mine without asking him, likewise he's taken care of mine when we've been out of town or whatever. It just depends on the relationship you have with your neighbor
I would have to ask my neighbor or at least know them well enough to invite myself to mow their lawn. If you are cool with your neighbor and know they are busy or whatever reason they haven't mowed then great help out.

If I never spoke to them before I would go knock on the door and offer but I would not do it without a conversation with them first. If they said no they don't want me to then I wouldn't mow the lawn either.
I'll mow the neighbors yard once in a while but I have to be careful about it or else they take it for granted and won't find a permanent solution. My immediate neighbor is 90-yr-old who doesn't remember the lawn guy so I have to help him periodically but I wish his family would take care of it instead of expecting me to do it. The neighbor across the way is a house of 3 women, they used to have a lawn guy but he retired and they haven't found another one yet, same situation they expect me to do it now.

In your case I would mow to a line that kept your own yard looking good and made his look worse.
The house next to me is a rental (ugh) and there was a person in the house for a year that did not believe in mowing. I used to fertilize and mow because it made my house look bad. They have since moved.

My neighbor to the other side is fanatic about his lawn and it looks great. The other day he added fertilizer to my grass. Holy crap. Now I'm the asshat.
Holy crap. Now I'm the asshat.

Welcome to my world. The 85yo retiree next door mows my law, takes in my garbage and recycling cans and offers to harvest my fruit trees. Every 3-4 weeks when he sees me he asks "You still live here?" I leave for work beofre 630AM and arrive home at 715PM.
There were several patches of grass probably 12" tall. I had to take the weedeater to them first.


don't you know if you cut more than a 1/3 of the plant at a time you seriously damage it......now he'll have dead spots all over instead of tall grass that flows in the breeze :flame:
It depends on the relationship you have with your neighbor. If the neighbor was a young dude that was just being lazy, I'd insist that he mow his own yard. If it were someone that couldn't do it for themselves or who was in a difficult situation, I would be happy to help them out.


I have a young neighbor next door that doesn't mow or do any cleanup. in fact his trash blows into my yard and pisses me off. I'm not doing crap for that guy.

My cool neighbor is mid 40's and about to have a hernia operation next week. I will mow his grass when I mow mine without asking him, likewise he's taken care of mine when we've been out of town or whatever. It just depends on the relationship you have with your neighbor

I gotta agree here, if he's a good guy and might be elderly, "out of commission", or just crazy busy (Like BoatWrench, awesome neighbor you have BTW!), I'd have no problem with doing that at all when it comes to mowing lawns or shoveling snow. If he's just letting things go to pot, call the city and hope that he gets a prick of an inspector (just make sure you're up to snuff before doing so, don't want that call to back fire on you;) )

First, I wondered if you and the neighbor get along. If so, he/she probably wouldn't mind. However, if you are just casual aquaintances, I would not do it. Good way to show disrespect IMO.

Seems like it would just be returning the disrespect to me, if a neighbor is like that already. I'd just be afraid the guy is wacko and have him shoot at me for trespassing:shocked:
kill it with fire, blame neighborhood ruffians with cigarettes and such, then sit on your porch with a few tallboys and the hose in case it gets ugly.
Just mow it.

My neighbor has mowed mine several times. Usually when we're on vacation or something is going on. I never complain. He even mowed it once after I made a U-turn in his yard aired down and both axles locked. I'm just that nice of a guy. :D

If he doesn't care to mow it why would he give a crap if someone else did. Is this one of the California boards?