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Man, I hope it never gets this bad here....


NAXJA Forum User
If Colorado EVER gets to this point, I may have to find a different line of work. I had NO idea the State of California had gotten this strict with their motor vehicle laws.


Could you imagine what it must be like for off road vehicles?
91 Jeep Project said:
You can be arrested for not popping your hood? You have GOT to be kidding me.

I imagine that it falls under the same pretext as our "express consent" law. When you get your license, there's probably a bit of fineprint somewhere that you're required to comply with a safety or equipment compliance inspection of your vehicle when a police officer has reasonable suspicion that your vehicle may have been illegally modified against current laws.

But even I have a hard time digesting that horse pucky.....
What a bunch of dousche nozzels! Glad I don't live there! There was this POS 'documentary' on street racing that aired on M-TV and most recently A&E. They had this pompus cop on there telling all his fellow officers to pull anything over with stickers, because ya know they must be up to no good! Next scene they have him inspecting the truck of some rice rocket, and he's making a comentary on how dangerouse this car was because not only did the kid have a plastic gas can filled with jet fuel, but he also had highly explosive NOS and a battery back there! Jet fuel? Ah, the kid must have installed a TDI or something. Actually, he had a cell with a bladder, the battery was in a case, and well NOS may be an accelerant, it in and of itself is not explosive. Well informed these guys are! BTW, if you guys didn't know it, E-Testing may soon be a thing of the past in Co. I know as a fact it is going away in Larimer county at the end of Dec. '06! That being said, do you think the AC line rubbing on the cam gear is good for another 3-4 hp?
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California has been kinda over the top for some time. Some of it makes sense (It is illegal to spray paint a car outside) and some if it is just dumb ( It is illegal to use a charcoal grill ). The CARB has come under attack several times for having air quality laws more strict than the Federal standard, and in every case, has won.

Though I find this rolling enforcement un-neccesary, (the arrest was stupid!), what is the difference between this kind of spot inspection stop, and a regular inspection?
What about weighing a Semi on the road or pouring over his Logs?

There are standards out there for how we modify our vehicles. Every DOT publishes a minimum spec list of what they expect and between the lines is what modifications they allow (actually some are spelled out, like lift). Even street racers know the laws and that car could have easily been made to go stupid fast without all the obvious mods. The PCV mod was just stupidity as was the adjustable timing.

Troy, I can see your conflict.
On one side is your job and sworn duty, on the other is what you enjoy when you are off duty.

Sort of like joining both UFWDA and the Sierra Club ;)
About 5 years ago I had 2 jeffco cops pull me over while I was driving my camaro to check it out but it was only because they liked the car and wanted a closer look I guess :dunno:
Stupid thing is that there are stock consumer vehicles that are much faster than a modified neon for example, but those are street legal. There should be very stiff penalties for racing a modified vehicle on public streets, but not simply having a modified car. I've known a few people really into SCCA type stuff and their "race car" was also their DD because they raced for fun, not serious (or rich) enough to get a tow vehicle and trailer.
If any cop were to pull this on me (no offense meant to you Troy), I admit I would nearly go ballistic. I mean it gets to a point to where enough is enough. The way this went it is saying basically your not allowed to do anything with your vehicle. Im sure if all cops were as overly strict at that video, about 75% or more of vehicles on the road would be ticketed.
freerider15 said:
If any cop were to pull this on me (no offense meant to you Troy), I admit I would nearly go ballistic. I mean it gets to a point to where enough is enough. The way this went it is saying basically your not allowed to do anything with your vehicle. Im sure if all cops were as overly strict at that video, about 75% or more of vehicles on the road would be ticketed.

I'd follow him home and issue a citizens arrest when he pulls out of his garage with a '67 Nova............:D
As they were getting to poping open the hood, I was waiting for a ounch line. Like maybe a hamster in a wheel in there. THank god Kansas isn't picky about what you drive. I'd only have one vechical that might pass an inspection.

The funny part is that many mod parts have spent the money to be carb legal, aftermarket intakes, headers, special exhausts. you can still mdoify it and be within the law..........notice that it did not say you could nto have a nitrous system.....just cant have the bottle in while on the street
Seems to me, that if I'd done mods that were approved under CARB, then I'd tell the cop "No, you may not look under the hood, but thanks for asking." Then, I'd produce paperwork saying that the State of Kalifornia had actually approved of everything I'd done.

Makes me glad I plan to unass this sorry, benighted state in a couple more years. I've just got to finish school first...

Last time I checked, most cops aren't mechanics, and don't have authority issued by CARB - so, they probably wouldn't know what they were looking at anyhow (unless they were also hobbyists.)

As far as the "implied consent" angle - I'd demand that he show me where I'd given "implied consent" to a vehicular inspection for anything apart from safety devices - like seatbelts, mirrors, lighting, and what-have-you. Last time I looked, the "implied consent" was for safety devices (which usually don't require accessing the vehicle interior - anywhere) and for driver impairment (brethalyser/whiz quiz, and things like that.)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go cram for my urine test...

xjnation said:
The funny part is that many mod parts have spent the money to be carb legal, aftermarket intakes, headers, special exhausts. you can still mdoify it and be within the law..........notice that it did not say you could nto have a nitrous system.....just cant have the bottle in while on the street

I looked it up on the CARB site. There are only a handfull of vehicles that NOS was approved for, and that little Ricer wasn't one of them. No CARB approval=Not legal in the Peoples Republic of California.

You can find a list of the aftermarket parts with CARB approval, and what they are approved for on the CARB site.

More toward Troy's thought about Off-Road vehicles. Yes, Virginia, they have their grubs in those also :(
Zuki-Ron said:
California has been kinda over the top for some time. Some of it makes sense (It is illegal to spray paint a car outside) and some if it is just dumb ( It is illegal to use a charcoal grill ).

Do you actually have a statute to back this up?
karstic said:
Do you actually have a statute to back this up?
Sorry, I had stopped monitoring the thread.

No, I don't have a specific statute.

I recall the paint issue from the late 90's and it may have been a specific city. The issue was airborn pollutants (VOCs) from painting automobiles.

The Charcoal BBQ issue was CARB related. It likely didn't pass, but it was also a late 90's thing. I see Arnold just signed into law a Green House reduction act. Your charcoal grill is history :D
California may be a little over the top, but it really is only because L.A. has the worst air in the country and because of the valley it sits in, the air just sits and gets worse. The smog in L.A. in the early 70's was so bad you could barely see the city when you descended into it from the mountains (my dad went to USC in '70 I think). The Charcoal grill I agree is over the top, but because people are always trying to get areound the law (like the exhaust swap before the test) sometimes there need to be random inspections. I didn't get to see the video, it got taken off the site but it does sound rediculous. I just saying, Cali has to do something about the pollution because it is so incredibly bad there. just my .02