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Magpul's Recent Statement on Facebook


NAXJA Forum User
Lakewood, CO
Reposted to help spread the word, from AR15.com

From Magpul's Facebook:

In addition to the national battle to protect our firearms rights, many states are currently engaged in their own fights. Here in CO, a state with a strong heritage of firearm and other personal freedoms, we are facing some extreme challenges to firearms rights. We have been engaged in dialogue with legislators here presenting our arguments to stop legislation from even being introduced, but our efforts did not deter those of extreme views.

After the NRAs visit last week, several anti-freedom bills were introduced by CO legislators, and a very aggressive timeline has been set forth in moving these bills forward.

The bills include:
HB 1229, Background checks for Gun Transfers--a measure to prohibit private sales between CO residents, and instead require a full FFL transfer, including a 4473.

HB 1228, Payment for Background Checks for Gun Transfers-- a measure that would require CO residents to pay for the back logged state-run CBI system (currently taking 3 times the federally mandated wait time for checks to occur) instead of using the free federal NICS checks.

And finally, HB 1224, Prohibiting Large Capacity Ammunition Magazines--a measure that bans the possession, sale, or transfer of magazines over 10 round capacity. The measures and stipulations in this bill would deprive CO residents of the value of their private property by prohibiting the sale or transfer of all magazines over 10 rounds. This bill would also prohibit manufacture of magazines greater than 10 rounds for commercial sale out of the state, and place restrictions on the manufacture of military and law enforcement magazines that would cripple production.

We'd like to ask all CO residents to please contact your state legislators and the members of the Judiciary Committee and urge them to kill these measures in committee, and to vote NO if they reach the floor.

We also ask you to show your support for the 2nd Amendment at the Capitol on Tuesday, Feb 12, for the magazine ban committee hearing and Wednesday,
Feb 13, for the hearing on the other measures.

Due to the highly restrictive language in HB 1224, if passed, and we remained here, this measure would require us to cease PMAG production on July 1, 2013.

In short, Magpul would be unable to remain in business as a CO company, and the over 200 jobs for direct employees and nearly 700 jobs at our subcontractors and suppliers would pick up and leave CO. Due to the structure of our operations, this would be entirely possible, hopefully without significant disruption to production.

The legislators drafting these measures do so in spite of the fact that nothing they are proposing will do anything to even marginally improve public safety in CO, and in fact, will leave law-abiding CO residents less able to defend themselves, strip away rights and property from residents who have done nothing wrong, and send nearly 1000 jobs and millions in tax revenue out of the state.

We like CO, we want to continue to operate in CO, but most of all, we want CO to remain FREE.

Please help us in this fight, and let your voices be heard!

We have included the contact information for the House Judiciary committee for your convenience:

House Judiciary Committee
Rep. Daniel Kagan, Chair: 303-866-2921, [email protected]
Rep. Pete Lee, Vice Chair: 303-866-2932, [email protected]
Rep. John Buckner: 303-866-2944, [email protected]
Rep. Lois Court: 303-866-2967, [email protected]
Rep. Bob Gardner, 303-866-2191, [email protected]
Rep. Polly Lawrence, 303-866-2935, [email protected]
Rep. Mike McLachlan, 303-866-2914, [email protected]
Rep. Rep Carole Murray, 303-866-2948, [email protected]
Rep. Brittany Pettersen, 303-866-2939, [email protected]
Rep. Joseph Salazar, 303-866-2918, [email protected]
Rep. Jared Wright, 303-866-2583, [email protected]
Doesn't the CO constitution prevent these things from becoming reality?

They would have to have a statewide vote to amend the constition?
Unfortunately, while many believe that these bills are infringing on our constitutional rights, it could be argued that high cap mags are not specifically afforded to us by the constitution (state or otherwise).

That is why it is up to us to be sure this thing dies on the floor as it IS an infringment on our civil liberties and that is why it is so important that we convince our representatives to understand that as well and to act accordingly. By doing nothing this could become law.

Suddenly I remember that old school cartoon about how a bill becomes a law! lol

BTW, here is the bill set to take affect July 1st if passed
Doesn't the CO constitution prevent these things from becoming reality?

They would have to have a statewide vote to amend the constition?

The US Constitution is supposed to prevent such things from becoming reality on a Federal level.

How's that working out for you?

Bear in mind that most of these halfwits in office think that, if they can get 51% of the vote to go their way, little things like Constituionality or Rule of Law aren't even obstacles.
I hope these laws are never passed.

However....if they are, I hope they leave Colorado and never look back. More companies like this need to stand up and be heard. Good for Mag-pul.
Well, they passed committee 7-4.

We will see what happens but if it passes the floor it looks like in Colorado High capacity magazines will be illegal, we need to pay for our own background checks, and no more private firearms sales.

It seems we gun owners do not care and that a strong opposition was not voiced.
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Magpul was there and told them that if the bill passed, instead of expanding, they'd take their $400 million business and several hundred jobs out of state. The dems tripped over their tongues lying to convince them to stay, but Magpul's guy said it was the principle, and they'd basically bail if civilians couldn't buy their products. Magpul also used "standard magazine" in reply to the "high capacity" term and even had a rep saying it by the end of the night.
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Looks like the amended it to 15 rounds...there is still confusion as to whether it will be 8 or 5 shells though

Also, here is a list of reps

Maybe we should rename this thread and move it to general off-topic so that people in other states can see how easily this can happen in any state...you would have thought that a gun loving state like Colorado wouldn't be leading the charge on this. I am increasingly concerned about whats next. Seems an AWB could be coming
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Oh wow....One of my former clients (150 employees) used to do the plastic injection molding for their PMAGs. I wonder how hard this will hit them. I believe MAGPUL was their largest account by far.

Politicians don't understand the trickle down effect of the ridiculous bills they pass. Unreal.
I don't get it. I look at Colorado as a farming, right wing outdoorsie type state. Who the hell is running the show? Does Boulder really have that much influence over the rest of you?

That's too bad. Well all I can say is I hope Mag-Pul moves to Utah. I wrote letters to all my state reps and congress critters. They pretty much laughed in the face of any federal gun law attempts and have pretty much promised that no tougher laws will hit the books. In fact just the opposite. When the shooting in Ct happened we had free CCW classes for teachers and there is a constitutional carry bill that would pretty much do away with the need for a CCW. It would allow any citizen with a clean record to carry concealed with no permit. I doubt it will pass and honestly I don't know if its a good idea but at least they are pushing for less restrictions, not more.
I agree. I was fairly shocked too as I think many Colorado gun owners are, and for many of the same reasons you have stated. This state considers itself cowboys and seems gun rights are fairly strong here. My assumption is that many people were so sure it wouldn't pass that they didn't voice as much opposition as they could have. Though with the high profile theater and school shootings that have happened here there are alot of emotions involved at the moment. It really is an ideal time to pass gun control laws which means we have to fight harder right now.

We still have some time, it has only passed the committee. I think the only thing keeping this from being a slam dunk right now is the lost Magpul revenue that will be lost that the dems supporting this may have not considered at first.
Its all screwed up because of all the liberal idiot invaders, mostly from California, that flooded into Colorado during the '90s. They've assimilated into our society as well as our local ans state governments and are slowly and steadily turning us into California East.It sucks because there are enough of them here now that the Lib candidates that run have plenty of support- We've been overrun and out voted. :flamemad: :(

It would be entirely different if they would move here and adapt to OUR way of life but these self absorbed assholes don't even give it a second thought.All they want to do is turn it into the lunatic shan-gri-la that they moved away from.

Sorry for the rant but I've been here almost my entire life, since '68, and I hate seeing what has become of Colorado.
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Its all screwed up because of all the liberal idiot invaders, mostly from California, that flooded into Colorado during the '90s. They've assimilated into our society as well as our local ans state governments and are slowly and steadily turning us into California East.It sucks because there are enough of them here now that the Lib candidates that run have plenty of support- We've been overrun and out voted. :flamemad: :(

It would be entirely different if they would move here and adapt to OUR way of life but these self absorbed assholes don't even give it a second thought.All they want to do is turn it into the lunatic shan-gri-la that they moved away from.

Sorry for the rant but I've been here almost my entire life, since '68, and I hate seeing what has become of Colorado.
Dont lump all Californians into the hippy bucket!

Trying just as hard to do my part as every other reasonable person trying to not have these stupid laws pass as possible.
Dont lump all Californians into the hippy bucket!

Nowhere did I say ALL Californians I was clearly calling out the Liberal idiot ones (it just happens to be that the majority came from California).I have plenty of friends that are from California as well as quite a few friends and family members that live in California that are good people.
yeah, and don't throw all us hippies in a bucket either -- some of us are gun toting peaceniks :eyes:
Re: Re: Magpul's Recent Statement on Facebook

It seems we gun owners do not care and that a strong opposition was not voiced.

I disagree. I saw reports that the testimony was 10 to 1 against the bill, including 5 sheriffs who testified the bill would have no useful effects on crime. The committee simply ignored the testimony and did what they wanted.
I disagree. I saw reports that the testimony was 10 to 1 against the bill, including 5 sheriffs who testified the bill would have no useful effects on crime. The committee simply ignored the testimony and did what they wanted.

I heard/read the same- they completely ignored LEOs and others that were against it.
Its all screwed up because of all the liberal idiot invaders, mostly from California, that flooded into Colorado during the '90s. They've assimilated into our society as well as our local ans state governments and are slowly and steadily turning us into California East.It sucks because there are enough of them here now that the Lib candidates that run have plenty of support- We've been overrun and out voted. :flamemad: :(

It would be entirely different if they would move here and adapt to OUR way of life but these self absorbed assholes don't even give it a second thought.All they want to do is turn it into the lunatic shan-gri-la that they moved away from.

Sorry for the rant but I've been here almost my entire life, since '68, and I hate seeing what has become of Colorado.

It's funny - I don't view myself as "Californian" - I view myself as "expatriated American." I didn't grow up here, the Air Force sent me here.

My wife was born here - but acts more like me than pretty much anyone else out here. I refused to believe she was born in San Jose until she showed me the paperwork!

When we finally do leave CA, we have no intention of "taking California with us" - I can't stand it, and she's gotten to where she can't stand it either. It's getting stupid.

I'll grant you that I think most of the Democrat Party (if not all of it) should be expatriated and sent to one of their "Socialist Paradise" nations - mainland China comes to mind. Stop trying to screw up my country that you couldn't even be bothered to defend: just go somewhere that's set up the way you want it. The USSR has fallen (it only lasted, what, 75 years? Telling...) but there are still other places you can go that will get you what you want, ready-made.

The inherent hypocrisy of the Left is stunning anyhow.

- We can't have firearms: they can have armed bodyguards.
- They want to redistribute wealth: but not theirs.
- They want to have "universal healthcare" and overload the system: but have private physicians.

You get the idea...

EDIT - I write my politicians. I write other people's politicians. I'm constantly contesting stuff like this, I think it's foolish. I present a clear, logical position - and I always invite discussion. Most of the answers I get aren't even on topic... (The last response I got - I think from Feinstein's office - was about "partisanship in political discourse," when I'd written about gun control. This forced me to write back and say, "Did any of you even READ the letter?" and include another copy.)

I've taken to publishing my letters - and any responses I get - on my blog, along with other issues I see. jondkelley.blogspot.com (yeah, I publish under my proper name. If it's important enough to say, it's important enough to sign...)
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