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Lost Coast Run Sept 25 - 27


NAXJA Forum User
OK I've decided on a date. Sept. 25 -27. We'll be heading up Friday night and camping on the beach Saturday night, returning home Sunday.

Interested? I've posted this on the Exploration forum but need to change the date on that forum. I've got me and my TJ buddy as of now.

I was hoping we could get someone to lead, I'm not familiar with this area. Any takers?

Here are some links I dug up -

http://www.markashurst.com/HostedPics/LostCoast/ - pics
http://www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=422 - camping
http://www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=423 - camping
http://www.deancreekresort.com/ - private campground
http://www.mendocinocoast2.com/ - lodging
http://www.gottrail.com/trails/LostCoast.html - jeepin

I am game to go. I also don't mind leading as I have done the trail a few times. One suggestion I have is to meet and camp at USAL Beach on Friday night. If people are coming from all over it is easier to meet at USAL.

Meet at USAL on Friday.
Run the trail on Saturday. The pavement starts again at Shelter Cove.
I would like to continue to Mattole and camp there. I have heard some people would like to stay at a B&B. Shelter Cove would be the logical place to wander off in different directions.

I am game for anything though.
OK, but my thinking was with the Ms. not being able to leave until Friday at 6pm that wouldn't put me over there until ?. I've heard the beach is the destination. Am I hearing you say it's more of the starting point?
You can run the trail either way. If you camp out at Usal Beach, you'll have to return either on the trail again, or take Hwy 101 / Hwy 1 back to Usal Beach.

Most people like to meet up in Garberville in the AM, then hit the trail for the morning part of the run, then end up at Usal Beach and play around the rest of the day and camp.

W8ng4msrgt... if you are thinking about staying in the Mattole Valley, I would recommend making camp at AW Way County Park / Campground. It's located between Petrolia and Honeydew. Cool place to camp, with water and showers (cold water though) at the camp ground; plus it's right along the banks of the Mattole River.

I'm still "iffy" if I will be able to make it and I would probably do only a Saturday morning day run, have lunch at Usal Beach, then head back home to Eureka.
It (USAL) is maybe 45 minutes to an hour from Leggett. You wouldn't have to drive the trail at night. If it rains the areas of mud are on downhills if you leave from USAL.

I suggested starting from USAL because someone had said something about taking the wife to a B&B in another thread. Not knowing how far it is (6-7 hours for me), I thought maybe folks could meet at USAL and set up camp as they arrived.

I am just throwing some ideas out here and will go along with what the group decides.
I was thinking of the BLM campground where the Mattole River dumps into the ocean. The fishing is suppose to be good, there are sea lions laying around, and some hiking trails.

We could also meet and camp at USAL on Friday, run the trail in both directions on Saturday, camp at USAL again on Saturday night. That way we could leave our tents pitched and any spouses or SO's who didn't want to hit the trail could play on the beach.
The BLM Campground you mention is about 15 minutes or less from AW Way campground. The BLM Campground is pretty bare bones and a bit too remote and spooky in the late hours for my liking. AW Way seems a bit safer to me, plus with the amenities I mentioned. But you are in the general vicinity for all sorts of hiking and trails......
"Most people like to meet up in Garberville in the AM, then hit the trail for the morning part of the run, then end up at Usal Beach and play around the rest of the day and camp."

I'm kinda leaning this way too. Seems to make more sense. And that was me with the comment about the B & B. But as soon as I mentioned the romantic campfire on the beach (you know, trying to sell it) she was all over it. So I'm thinking almost any hotel in the area will do for Friday night, then meet up in the am, run the trail, camp at the beach, have fun and enjoy the evening. Folks could just stay for the camp fire then retire to whatever lodging they desired.
this sounds like fun, i'll run it by the woman and she if she's game
I'd like to go. What is the trail like?

It's a relatively easy trail, but not without some short steep climbs and ruts during the summer. A stock XJ can easily handle it this time of year.

But during the winter, it's pretty nasty and it is often closed. I'd only do it with some serious sized mud tires and a few other rigs with winches to help out if I get stuck.

But its a really scenic wooded trail with some awesome coastal views. You can drive around on the beach at Usal Beach, depending upon access through Usal Creek that empties into the ocean there. The camp ground there is pretty nice too.
It's a relatively easy trail, but not without some short steep climbs and ruts during the summer. A stock XJ can easily handle it this time of year.

But during the winter, it's pretty nasty and it is often closed. I'd only do it with some serious sized mud tires and a few other rigs with winches to help out if I get stuck.

But its a really scenic wooded trail with some awesome coastal views. You can drive around on the beach at Usal Beach, depending upon access through Usal Creek that empties into the ocean there. The camp ground there is pretty nice too.

I will agree with Ivan and most of his assessment of the trail. It does get a bit nasty in the rainy season in one section but if you go from USAL towards Shelter Cove the nasty spot is on the downhill. Go with somebody though so we don't have to read about you in the paper.

In the three links below the first one contains pictures I took on USAL Beach. The second one pictures and videos from Hwy 1 to USAL Beach and on to Mattole Beach. The third link is just videos from USAL to Mattole. Please excuse the music and ex-gf noises. The last video on the third link is me getting gas for $3.50 a gallon in Honeydew. It was like $2.00 a gallon in the bay area at the time.

USAL Beach

USAL to Mattole

USAL to Mattole videos

Just a quick update.

We'll be unable to head over there on Friday night. We're leaving the Valley early Saturday AM. Of coarse whomever would like can still head over there Friday night, we'll just meet up the next day.
Looks like I may be able to attend the run, if it is run on Saturday and originates out of Garberville. I won't be camping at Usal beach, as I only plan to make this a day run, and head home on Saturday afternoon. Too many irons in the fire for me right now to spend the whole weekend.....

In following this thread, there still doesn't seem to be a starting point for the run. In my earlier thread, I suggested meeting in Garberville in the morning, then heading over to the Usal Trail and ending up at Usal Beach in the afternoon. The rest of the day on Saturday can be spent at the campground there, or playing around on the beach, or doing whatever. Again, just my suggestion......nothing set in concrete.

If this is agreeable, then perhaps the Eureka / Humboldt contingency can meet early in Eureka on Saturday, the drive down to Garberville to begin the run. You can then stay and camp if you wish, or come back home....
I am still planning on making this run. My pops' health has taken a turn for the worse in the past week or so and he lives with me. I think he will be fine though.

I may head up to USAL on Friday and run the trail on Sat in reverse until I meet the folks coming the other way. Then I would turn around.

The big kicker is that the camp fees went from $10 to $25 a night. NEW CAMP FEES page 13.
Hey guys, how bad is the trail in lat OCT. early NOV.?

If it hasn't rained too much by then, the trail should be fine, barring some rutty areas. By mid November on, it gets iffy unless you're set up for mud, and even then it would be a good idea to have someone with a winch........
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I'm down for anything. I'd be fine with meeting in eureka.

If you're coming from the Bay area (you're listed as San Mateo), the drive up to Eureka would be pointless, because you would have to turn back around.

Depending on which end of the trail the run begins, you'd be better off starting at Usal Beach, or starting in Garberville and ending up at Usal Beach.
I should be able to make it and would be able to meet in Garberville. How about meeting in the Rays Food Place (Grocery Store) parking lot?