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know what your reps think....


NAXJA Forum User
This is a post from a guy on another board. I sent in my letter as well. You??

Contacted D Rep Claire Levy (Boulder) in regard to her opposition to the 2nd Amendment...

My Letter...


Due to the recent events at Sandy Hook elementary school we now face renewed threats to our Constitutional rights. While I understand how painful the loss must be for those touched by this tragedy, blaming firearms or their owners and punishing them is not the answer to the challenges we face as a nation.

We already have laws that were violated by a man who was likely psychotic and heavily medicated. This man was stopped by the mandatory background check from purchasing firearms. He then decided to murder his mother and take her legally owned firearms to commit this tragedy.

If your true goal is to protect our children, then enact legislation that will do that. Banning firearms that are rarely used in crime (less than 1% of the time) is not going to stop such tragedies, that was proven in 1999 when the Columbine shooting took place under the 1994 ban. Do something meaningful, please. Make committing the insane easier. Put armed security guards in our schools. But do not strip us of our rights and property by passing additional anti-gun laws that have historically had no positive effect on crime in our nation or others.

Thank you."

Her Reply...

"The constitution does not give you a right to possess and use assault weapons."

Let her know how you feel.

[email protected]

I think her blatant disregard for what the constitution says is totally unacceptable given her position.
Wow, that's how she treats her constituents? She's above you and wanted you to know that. Since you don't share her views she doesn't care about you. Interesting.
Come to think of it the constitution doesn't explicitly give us a lot of rights, it gives generalities (I.e. right to "arms" which I would conclude assault weapons, regardless of how they're defined, is an "arm", is it not?)
Just to throw some references to the argument...

Second amendment verbatim
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Term in question: assault weapon

Definition of arms since that's the term the constitution uses
"Weapons and ammunition; armaments"

Reference of the definition

Assault weapon = weapon = arms = our rights

Even solved it mathematically so its not even up for debate. Next right up for debate?
Oh I emailed her saying my message was instigated by hearing her comments and disregard for upholding her duties as a public servant. I reminded her that she is employed by me, and the other Coloradoans who vote. And that I am assured to spread the message to end her stay in public office as she chooses not to represent the people she works for correctly.
I sent an e-mail as well. Mine stated she needed to leave office if she can't maintain her oath because of her skewed personal views.
We all need to push for a law that ends their Pay the day they are voted out of office. Why the hell would they care if they get voted out they still get paid for the rest of their lives what difference does it make to them! For that matter they should only be paid the same as the average Grunt that risks his life for us and for them!

I also emailed her!
but i dont expect a response
My letter to Mrs. DeGette got me this response:

Thank you for voicing your concern with this very important issue. Unfortunately, your view on the 2nd amendment and what you are entitled to is quite wrong. As an individual not in my district, I don't represent you, and will continue to hold my stance on limiting these assault weapons high capacity clips.
What? Does this dolt think that she is protected by some sort of force field because you are not in her district. I would be willing to bet that there are people in her district she will be getting similar messages from. I wonder if they will get insolent rude responses?

I have written similar letters to my reps both at the state and federal level here in Wyoming........I'll put money on it that NONE of them share her narrow minded ignorant views.