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I bought another...


NAXJA Forum User
Well decided it was time to build another xj. Went out and picked up a 2000. It is cleannnn. :cheers:



Plans are to do a 4.5" mid-arm 3 link, probably stay at 35"s for now due to it is my DD. Gonna run some spyderlocks, and plenty of t&t goodies. Still trying to figure out which axles I want to run. It is gonna be a long build process, so don't get your hopes up...
35's you can stay on the 30 or go up. all about what deals you can.eek out of people. ill get ya pics. promise :D
Love that color. :thumbup:
Very clean rig. FWIW I swapped a high pinion D30 into my 2000, added a Spartan locker plus gears, and with a 4.5" short arm kit am running 35" Krawlers on Allied beadlocks no problem. My only issue for street driving is the weight and imbalance issues of the steel beadlocks and BFG Keawler. As your planning on running aluminum beadlocks I'd suggest going with a 16 or 17" rim. You can then run Kevlars or even 35" equivalent DuraTracs. The aluminum wheel and lighter tires will be a lot better for the street.
35's you can stay on the 30 or go up. all about what deals you can.eek out of people. ill get ya pics. promise :D

I wouldn't run 35's on an LP30 myself, though some folks do. Swapping in a 96-99 HP30 would be cheap and easy... I'm with Yella, digging that color.
Very clean rig. FWIW I swapped a high pinion D30 into my 2000, added a Spartan locker plus gears, and with a 4.5" short arm kit am running 35" Krawlers on Allied beadlocks no problem. My only issue for street driving is the weight and imbalance issues of the steel beadlocks and BFG Keawler. As your planning on running aluminum beadlocks I'd suggest going with a 16 or 17" rim. You can then run Kevlars or even 35" equivalent DuraTracs. The aluminum wheel and lighter tires will be a lot better for the street.

Thanks for the insight.

Ya the color is pretty nice. Hopefully I can keep it this color. My last xj ended up looking like a soda can dragged behind a car for a year.. :laugh: