xj87 said:
im running basic a stock 87 wangoner what exlet do you need to go on a run and can anyone go if they don't have a jeep but a blazer or brondo
If you jump to the Events section of the
forums, I believe the safety rules and equipment requirements were posted somewhere in the NAC Fest 2004 forum. For the most part, it's what I just listed.
events are open to
members. Each member may invite a guest, and the rules don't require that the guest drive an XJ so if a member wants to invite a bud who drives a Blazer, that's allowed.
However, as a
event it is not an "open" event, which means it will not be posted on other boards and it is not open to just any Ford or bowtie driver who shows up. There has been discussion on the national BOD forum regarding whether or not any one member can invite more than one guest. The way I view it, the rules require that the host be responsible for his/her guest, and if that guest is a royal PITA and is asked to leave the group, for safety the host is asked to leave also, as escort. To me, that says if you bring four friends, when any one of them screws up they ALL get the boot, because otherwise they are in the group without a host.
So for NAC events, at least until the end of my term as Pres, it's "One member/one guest." (One guest vehicle, that is.) The next chapter BOD may decide to change that next year, as they deem appropriate.
For XJ/MJ owners who are not
members, we allow you to attend two events to check us out. After that, if you don't want to join you may not attend NAC Chapter events. Other chapters may view that differently but we think that's fair. However, XJ/MJ owners who are not
members are not entitled to invite guests unless the guests are also XJ/MJ owners who are prospective members.
Clear as mud, right?