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HELP!!!! Drop Pitman Arm


NAXJA Forum User
South Jersey
Can't get the pitman arm to break loose. Heated, soaked in PB for 2 weeks, tried KRoil, BFH. Puller looks like I could snap it and the damn arm will not break free so I can install the new drop arm. Nut and lock washer came off pretty easy so I wasn't expecting this to be too involved but wrong again.

ANy tips, hints, suggestiosns? How much heat can I put on it before runing the seals in the steering box.
If you are using the correct pitman arm puller, put a good amount of tension on it and hit the side of the pitman arm with a hammer. Don't hit it too hard as you might damage the gearbox itself with to big of a blow.
what size lift are you running? Half the time people dont even need a drop pitman arm.
If you get a GOOD puller it should work you may have to "shock" it a few times tho.
I get the puller set and tight then heat the arm with the torch and you will hear it pop then tighten the puller until the arm falls off. Keep the flames away from the seals. I do this a couple times a week and it never failed me.
you can try tapping the end of the puller screw as well. I've had that help on removing the old Studebaker tapered-axle rear hubs, same principle applies.
Ive done it a few times, dont just try puller or youll snap it, guess how I know. Like they said put tension, give the arm a few good hits. You may have to put tension between hits as it starts to move. Just keep an eye on the puller you'll see it bending before it fails. Make sure your wearing eye pro just in case.
Ended up cutting it with a die grinder, cut rear section off then cut 45 relief notch. Tensioned puller until it looked like tangs were going to break, then beat on and it finally broke loose. Installed new arm, and steering, box seems to be fine. Didn't think it was going to ever come loose.
I tried everything you are doing on my '98... I ended up pulling the box and taking it to work to put in a hydraulic press.

It took almost 10 tons to get the arm off and it sounded like a bomb went off....

Hope you have better luck than I did.
steering box upgrade down the road, right now I just want to get the jeep rolling again. I thought the tough thing would be to get the nut off the shaft, never even gave any thought to the arm being stuck on the shaft. actually was very little corrosion on the shaft itself yet the splines are so small that I guess it doesn't take much to get it to stick.

Now on to the brake system since the hard lines are toast and I need to install brake line extensions that came with the lift.
While your doing brake lines, might as well throw in an wj booster and MC. More stopping power and bolts in with washers or using a plastic backing plate for less airflow. With an adjustable preportioning valve and new extensions i youd be set up for smaller 44's with disc brakes.