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NAXJA Forum User
Libertyville IL
Ok I know this has been talked about before. I am looking at getting a new semi auto 45 or maybe a 9. I have had my heart set on a Kimber 1911, but i have also heard some bad stories about 1911's having a tendancy to misfire if everything is not perfect.
IE: manufacture of the gun ( pretty sure I would not have a problem with a Kimber)
Fact that the design was developed when guns were made by hand
and the ever hand grip of the gun.

So i have also been looking at the Springfield XD in both .45 and 9mm
I am not really and have never been a fan of glocks but if you own one tell me why..( you prob like Jeff Gordon also...lol)

Let me know what you have and why you like it....this will be a range / CCW gun.

Ram: "I appreciate the info" Rod
I have two kimber 1911's one is full size stainless, the other is a CDPII in the ultra compact version with 3" barrel. Probably a thousand rounds sent through each and I have never had a FTF or FTE out of either and I shoot and practice ALL the time. Keep them clean and feed them quality ammo and they take care of ya =)
I have two kimber 1911's one is full size stainless, the other is a CDPII in the ultra compact version with 3" barrel. Probably a thousand rounds sent through each and I have never had a FTF or FTE out of either and I shoot and practice ALL the time. Keep them clean and feed them quality ammo and they take care of ya =)

Thank you for the info. My gun shop has a custom warrior I am very interested in.
Kimbers are not what they once were, and I personally feel that they are quite overpriced for what they are.

If I were looking to spend that kind of money on a 1911 it would probably say springfield and custom on the side.

Why 1911?
I know that the zealots will hate me for this, but I think there are smaller/better options that have more capacity.

unless you have freakishly stubby fingers and can't shoot a doublestack pistol comfortably. Hell, I manage to conceal a full sized ruger p94, so I'm pretty sure you can hide something doublstack.

The XD's are very nice for the price, I've shot a few.
Might also want to consider the CZ's.

a decent comparison of the springfield and kimber
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Before I lost my guns in the boating accident, I had an xdm45 it was an awesome little gun.

I had a colt 1911 comander, I hated that thing and sold it, for some reason I couldn't hit anything with it.

I used to carry a Rugar LC9, but it fell off when I went overboard. It shot great, 9mm is a big round for such a small gun.
yes I have handled "old production" and "new production", the benefits of being friendly with the local gun shop.

the bottom line beancounters are alive and well at kimber.

Besides, you spend a thousand dollars on a kimber and get one mag, a shitty one that everyone tosses at that, a crappy plastic box and that's it.

You spend a thousand dollars on a springfield and you get a nice box, two mags, a holster and mag carrier.

and no, the don't always go bang.
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I had an XD 9mm. 1000+ rounds through it and never a misfire, ftf, nothing. Always was a great gun....sucks about that boating accident I had though....
yes I have handled "old production" and "new production", the benefits of being friendly with the local gun shop.

the bottom line beancounters are alive and well at kimber.

Besides, you spend a thousand dollars on a kimber and get one mag, a shitty one that everyone tosses at that, a crappy plastic box and that's it.

You spend a thousand dollars on a springfield and you get a nice box, two mags, a holster and mag carrier.

and no, the don't always go bang.

I got 3 mags w mine and it was only $650.
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I will second the CZ comment. I carry a 75b. its the basic, 9mm, 16+1 cap. Next trip out I will break the 2k rounds through it. Never had a fte ftf yet, and I have put everything from tula, to reloads(mostly) to critical defense and critical duty ammo.
They make it in a sp-01 model which is a bit lighter and has lower rail for a light or lazer if that is your thing.
They have decocker models and other options as well. The .45 is the cz97 and it is a waaay larger gun.

I also do not like the glock as they don't fit my hand well.
That having been said, if you like the simplicity of a glock, the NEW khar's have me quite pleased. (yes the old ones were junk, the new ones have a much better reliability and price.) I have the cw.45 and approx. 800 rounds through it so far. It has no ftf or fte and feels a good bit better than the glock but is made in pretty similar specs.
Ok I know this has been talked about before. I am looking at getting a new semi auto 45 or maybe a 9. I have had my heart set on a Kimber 1911, but i have also heard some bad stories about 1911's having a tendancy to misfire if everything is not perfect.
IE: manufacture of the gun ( pretty sure I would not have a problem with a Kimber)
Fact that the design was developed when guns were made by hand
and the ever hand grip of the gun.

So i have also been looking at the Springfield XD in both .45 and 9mm
I am not really and have never been a fan of glocks but if you own one tell me why..( you prob like Jeff Gordon also...lol)

Let me know what you have and why you like it....this will be a range / CCW gun.

Ram: "I appreciate the info" Rod


Got a Colt M1991A1SS that I've had for years. Haven't had a lick of trouble with it - the only work done?
- Full-length tungsten recoil spring guide rod
- 18.5# recoil spring
- Wilson "Shok-Buff" recoil pad (keeps the parts from getting slapped around too hard...)
- Stoned sear & hammer hooks.
- Polished feedramp & chamber.
- Ambidextrous thumb safety. (I'm left-handed.)

And did all of the work myself - no custom gunsmithing. It's reliably fed anything I've fed it without a hitch goes "bang" when I want it to, doesn't go "bang" when I DON'T want it to, and it's been very well-behaved for what amounts to a hundred-year-old design and a (mostly) box-stock pistol.

Although I do want to put something like Bo-Mar sights on it - get them with tritium phials, and the sights are easier to adjust.

The best thing about the M1911/M1991? You can get whatever parts you want to do whatever you want without that much looking and without that much money. You can almost built a 1911 entirely from aftermarket parts - the only thing that's difficult is the frame, since that has to go through an FFL...
all I can say is that I love my XD 45. For me the 5" holds better in my hand, but the 4" is just as nice.
I think I shot one at Tylers Festsest, prolly 9mm, though, not sure who's it was. Sorry, guys I am a Taurus fan, I had a 9mm & a .45 before that dang boating incident. Ya , know If Tyler would have owned a better boat, we would all still have our guns, jacka$$.
Who takes a bunch of fat guys thru rapids, in a canoe, when they have all their guns with them, again, dumba$$.
I had a Ruger P85 (might have been a P89, bought it in 1992) in 9mm. I absolutely HATED the trigger on it. It was designed for ease of manufacture as well as reliability, but had a long, grainy, rather heavy (IMO,) and inconsistent trigger pull. The Ruger MkII slabside.... within a couple of months, it had a red dot sight, Herret National stocks and a Clark 2 lb. target trigger set.

I sold the P8[59], and bought a Colt National Match Gold Cup. Absolutely loved the trigger pull on it. Neither the .22 or the .45 ACP is really a personal defense piece. The .22 is far too small caliber, and physically too large for concealment. The CNMGP is physically large, and had like a lot of center fire rounds, over penetration is a major concern. I'd bought both as competition and target pieces.

Too bad both were lost in a tragic canoeing accident.
I have a kahr cw9, for carry its awesome. Holds 8 rounds and is well under 2# loaded. My buddy has a s&w shield in .40 and I really like that. I have a ruger p89 and that trigger is bad, my 22/45 has the volquarsten trigger kit in it and that is a pleasure to shoot.
FWIW, I have heard some really good things about Rock Island Armory's 1911s. Their price is friendly. Guy at the gun shop yesterday told me he has never had any issues with it.