Dvipercop said:
When a gun is involved, it becomes a whole different story. Granted she didn't appear to be threatening with it, but since I wasn't there at the time, I can't judge on the officers response. All an officer wants to do is go home at the end of the day. I'm a strong believer in the "Better safe than sorry" approach, especially when it comes to my life.
What was it one guy said "Why don´t the police just treat me with benign neglect"
What in the heck makes your life more important than anybody Else's. There is an old saying about right and might, just because you have the might, doesn't give you the right.
Cops just don´t get it most ways, that´s one old lady, that will probably hate cops the rest of her life. Probably never pay taxes again. Probably be seriously pissed and is probably psychologically damaged.
Cops often have a, them against us mentality and a whole lot of the thems, were turned that way by the police, enemies rather than allies.
What would you post, if that old lady was your mother.
I´m beginning to think this whole New Orleans thing, is turning into one of the biggest land grabs in history and a lot of people are smelling the money and the uniformed thugs are right in there herding the sheep.
The federal government has appropriated enough money to pay like $60,000 to every displaced person. The government is handing out $2000 debit cards, maybe, if you qualify.
In the mean time, the police are right in there, turning people with homes, into homeless people. I wonder how many displaced persons will be still be homeless in say 2 years, 5 years.
The Police were asked in (so they say) to deal with the thugs, end up assaulting old ladies and evicting people from there homes, figures.
I wonder how long it´s gonna take, before most anybody in a uniform becomes a target in New Orleans. Some people just don´t herd worth a darn, maybe the best solution is to treat them with benign neglect. Maybe a mans home is his castle, should override whatever policy the thinkers dream up next. There policies sure haven't worked very well so far.
One old lady that made it through a hurricane, then a flood, then bands of thugs, then assaulted by the cops, then thrown out of her house to become a wanderer at the mercy of society, political policy and relief organizations, that may or may not actively try to help her, but probably make her search for relief.
Wouldn't it just be more humane to shot her and put her out of her misery.
I guess when you get a badge you loose your humanity, probably why so many cops are drunks, trying to anathematize there consciences.