Have a little cash to spend on some armor. Debating on a few pieces, but wondering who if anyone has had experience with it.
First would be orfab quarter panel armor http://www.orfab.com/details.php?Ap...HEROKEE XJ QUARTER ARMOR WITH RAIL&Active=Yes
Anyone run these? Worth the Money? Any feed back etc...
Second would be a JCR tank skid. http://www.jcroffroad.com/mm5/merch...Category_Code=XJArmor&Product_Code=XJ-SKD-TNK
Same questions.
Last, if you were me, which pieces would you purchase first? Keep in mind everything else is stock, minus rock sliders from Serious Offroad. I'm taking care of all the armor on the rig first, then suspension and what not. This jeep won't see the dirt until it is completely finish. Pictures always help! Thanks :cheers:
First would be orfab quarter panel armor http://www.orfab.com/details.php?Ap...HEROKEE XJ QUARTER ARMOR WITH RAIL&Active=Yes
Anyone run these? Worth the Money? Any feed back etc...
Second would be a JCR tank skid. http://www.jcroffroad.com/mm5/merch...Category_Code=XJArmor&Product_Code=XJ-SKD-TNK
Same questions.
Last, if you were me, which pieces would you purchase first? Keep in mind everything else is stock, minus rock sliders from Serious Offroad. I'm taking care of all the armor on the rig first, then suspension and what not. This jeep won't see the dirt until it is completely finish. Pictures always help! Thanks :cheers: