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Congrats tree huggers on being a hypocrite!

Ray H said:
I dont understand why this is such a hard thing for most people to understand. I dont think we need to intentionally kill people off (unless you like that sort of thing). Nature will eventually do the job. At some point, when the earth can no longer support the human species, there will be enough deceases and homosexuality and killing to put things back in check. it'll happen automatically whether we want it to or not. It's already starting, but it will get worse before it gets better. Im going to enjoy myself and not worry too much about it because its out of my hands.

I'm fairly sure that's how AIDS and Ebola have gotten started - since humanity isn't cleaning house, Nature is taking over.

AIDS came around first - the idea of the virus is simple. If people are breeding entirely too much, let's make the simple act of breeding dangrous and potentially lethal. This should slow down breeding.

Didn't work? Let's come up with some nasty disease, that uses a mechanism we haven't a cure for (how many viral diseases do we have cures for? In round figures - zero. We can work to prevent them, but only the body can cure them...) transmits on an airborne vector (taking care of populous areas,) and is nearly 100% fatal.

I wonder what will be next. Some variety of "Super-Ebola," with a long incubation time and a course of 48 hours? Some mutagenic virus that pulverises germ cells? All of the disease vectors we have been dealing with pretty much work against somatic cells - the germ line hasn't been attacked yet. I honestly think it's only a matter of time (we have congential defects, but they're not directly transmissable except by actual reproduction.)

And, we've been working on "Super-Staph" and the like (due largely to misuse of antibiotics and overuse of sterilisers) long enough that we should see something interesting happening there soon as well.

Also, check your history, and look at wars from the point of view of logistics (vice politics.) Most wars in history were caused by population pressures - and we're hideously overdue for another major global conflict. It's going to be ugly...

Throw in the "demographic warfare" going on (here in the Southwest with New Aztlan, and in southern Europe with the Islamic world,) and things are just getting worse and worse. We really need the safety valve to blow off before it destroys the world entirely...

And, we're not really doing anything to help matters. "Advances" in gerontoloty are keeping people around long past their "use-by" date, we're protecting people from their own stupidity, and much effort is going into keeping children alive who really shouldn't be (Nature is self-correcting - we just have the conceit to think we can do better...)

Maybe we do need to start killing people off. We're not letting it happen on its own...
Free birth control would sure help the issue. I'm not a big fan of the Government passing anything free out but it would help.
I'm not talking about free abortions but free condoms down at the local clinic, women can get the pill.
But like always the bible thumpers will jump up and start screaming how we are trying to destory the world by educating children about sex.
fscrig75 said:
Free birth control would sure help the issue. I'm not a big fan of the Government passing anything free out but it would help.
I'm not talking about free abortions but free condoms down at the local clinic, women can get the pill.
But like always the bible thumpers will jump up and start screaming how we are trying to destory the world by educating children about sex.

Umm no sure about where you live but Our local health dept already does Free BC..all you have to do is make an appointment with the DR. they give you pills & condoms.
No desease will ever wipe out vast majorities of our population like they used to. We have too many resources and technologies for that kind of thing to happen anymore. Many deseases have tried, all have failed. We have had AIDs, Ebola, killer bees (i know, its not a desease), MRSA, west nile, bird flu, etc, etc, etc. I think you guys have been watching too many movies.

Back on topic. I think the prius does contradict all of the tree huggers principles with the manufacturing process taking so much energy and releasing so much pollution. Google earth does show the area is pretty baren, like a desert almost. I think somebody should put up posters of the plant and the area around it asking if the prius really is good for the environment. Ya know, kinda like putting up posters of dead babies to encourage against abortion.
igotanxj said:
No desease will ever wipe out vast majorities of our population like they used to. We have too many resources and technologies for that kind of thing to happen anymore. Many deseases have tried, all have failed. We have had AIDs, Ebola, killer bees (i know, its not a desease), MRSA, west nile, bird flu, etc, etc, etc. I think you guys have been watching too many movies.

Back on topic. I think the prius does contradict all of the tree huggers principles with the manufacturing process taking so much energy and releasing so much pollution. Google earth does show the area is pretty baren, like a desert almost. I think somebody should put up posters of the plant and the area around it asking if the prius really is good for the environment. Ya know, kinda like putting up posters of dead babies to encourage against abortion.
Sounds like you volunteered! :D
fscrig75 said:
Free birth control would sure help the issue. I'm not a big fan of the Government passing anything free out but it would help.
I'm not talking about free abortions but free condoms down at the local clinic, women can get the pill.
But like always the bible thumpers will jump up and start screaming how we are trying to destory the world by educating children about sex.
I've been known to thump a Bible or two, but as much as I don't like the idea of "encouraging" kids to have sex, I know they're gonna do it with or without free condoms and would rather see them at least be safe.
fscrig75 said:
Free birth control would sure help the issue. I'm not a big fan of the Government passing anything free out but it would help.
I'm not talking about free abortions but free condoms down at the local clinic, women can get the pill.
But like always the bible thumpers will jump up and start screaming how we are trying to destory the world by educating children about sex.

We can educate kids, or they can figure it out on their own. If we educate them, we can point up the fact that a condom is far cheaper than a kid, and less risk than an abortion!

Hardcore Bible-thumbers just don't make that connection - kids are going to figure it out sooner or later, one way or another. I'm not a huge fan of all the "Government Giveaways" either, but this would be one that would work well.

If we could get the UN to do this worldwide, it would probably be the first useful thing they've done since they were started...
5-90 said:
If we could get the UN to do this worldwide, it would probably be the first useful thing they've done since they were started...
Probably make a nice dent in the AIDS population of Africa.
C-17 airdropping tons and tons of condoms across Africa....


I would pay to see that!
JNickel101 said:
C-17 airdropping tons and tons of condoms across Africa....


I would pay to see that!

They would just use them to carry water and tie them into their braids.

Its not racist if its true. lol.

to be honest ive heard more racist comments from minorities than from white people. and as long as there doing it so will i. everyone is just way too politically correct these days.
Back on topic now...........one of the members of the local Jeep Club found this, I'll let his quote take over from here
so, i had stopped at the new Whole Foods in Naperville on 75th street today, they had their grand opening today. afterwards had a bite at the new Buffalo Wild Wings near there.
that was when i noticed this lovely sign pictured below. it seems that who ever owns that strip mall had those placed by all the stores, most of which are next to the handicap or closer to the door.

thought it was funny as hell, i mean who is going to save more gas driving around the parking lot rather that parking close? me or some guy driving a foreign hybrid?

i'll be back over there again, the Whole Foods is a monster of a store, for them anyway. and figure i'll need to park in that Preferred Parking spot. besides, who they gonna call, the parking police? not fines posted or "only" either! :busted_cop::chuck-ball:

I thought this was the off-topic forum. I.E. all topics go off...

Ray H said:
...If people were really interested in being "green" they would stop having babies.

Careful now. "Dumb" people are reproducing at an alarming rate. "Smart" i.e. edumucated people are not. The greenies think they're in the smart category, btw.
law.74 said:
I thought this was the off-topic forum. I.E. all topics go off...

Careful now. "Dumb" people are reproducing at an alarming rate. "Smart" i.e. edumucated people are not. The greenies think they're in the smart category, btw.

Thinking they are smart and actually BEING smart are two seperate things. Its more often than not that the dumbest people think they are the smartest.
I know Im not smart enough to fix everyones problems so I just concentrate on mine.
Ray H said:
Thinking they are smart and actually BEING smart are two seperate things. Its more often than not that the dumbest people think they are the smartest.
I know Im not smart enough to fix everyones problems so I just concentrate on mine.

Yup, just because you're book smart doesn't mean that you can find your ass with both hands and a mirror.......
Ray H said:
Thinking they are smart and actually BEING smart are two seperate things. Its more often than not that the dumbest people think they are the smartest...

You mean people who want to tell me what to drive, but can't manage to spell "preferred?"

igotanxj said:
Thats classic! Mispelled signs are great, especially this one.

The only thing that would make this sign cool is if it were placed at the very far side of the parking lot, the very furthest parking space. That would be awesome.