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Benefits of Driving an SUV

I had a chick in a Honda back in SoCal driving behind me. We were on a ramp going from I5S to 78W. The lane to my right, which has been open this entire time, now is coming to a close. It is at this point that she decides to try and go around me. She jumps to that lane, gets far enough up that her front door is even with my front tire and decides to just start coming over as her lane is ending. I slow down because fast as I believe my XJ to be, we're on an on-ramp here, curves aren't my forte. This allows her to get her rear bumper even with my tire. She sees this as a perfect opportunity and jumps into my tire. I'm sure she intended to come into my lane ahead of me, but instead she found my tire. So she gets in front of me and starts to drive real slow so she can keep an eye on my plans. I wait til the last second and jump off at my exit. She found another second, so apparently I waited til the second to last second. She follows me to Wal-Mart and proceeds to tell me that my lane was the one ending and I hit her. Now for those of you who may have driven through that area, the left lane on that ramp does not end. It goes on to become the center lane of the 78W. She was in the right lane which ended according to the signs, the line on the road that curved over while my dotted white line stayed straight, etc. Anyways, I inspect the damage done to each vehicle and say let's call it even and go our separate ways. I just don't want to deal with that level of stupidity. The damage done was some rubber from my sidewall rubbed off on the corner of her bumper. And no, she wasn't the first person to hit me on a CA highway. If ever anyone tries to tell you CA driver's are no worse than anywhere else, their dirty stinking liars and deserve to be trapped driving CA highways for all eternity... :D
BlackSport, the tri-cities (Vista-Oceanside-San Marcos) have the WORST drivers in the west. I hate driving through Vista its worse than the other 2. Today an Explorer sped up to get around me because his lane was ending. I almost hit him- actually he almost sideswiped me. The were of course, no cars behind me for miles and miles why diddn't he go there. Oh, this by the way was in front of the courthouse so lots of cops you think some people would be deterred by that.

Also most SoCal freeways were said and done by the end of the 60s at most the 70s and haven't changed since then but look whats happened to the population.
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glad your alright buddy. ok so maybe your not alright at all, but glad you werent hurt.
Yeah, beej definitely ain't 'right' but its good to hear that he made it through this incident unscathed.
My cousin was t-boned by a crazy bitch in a Durango while he was going through an intersection. She ran a red light and hit him right in the driver's door. He said she was doing like 35MPH.
I guess we had something like that happen last monday in front of the store I work at, a customer was leaving the lot with a green light and somebody blew through doing about 50mph (in a 45) and t-boned her, she was ok though, she was back in the store the next day and told the assistant store manager about it before I came in that day ( was working in Aurora and she had the day off so neither one of us saw it.)