Just trying to cheer you up. Back in 75 when I was stationed at Groton Ct at the sub base, 3 of us went out and had a big New England steamed dinner, complete with lobster, hot dogs, corn, steamers, shrimp, potatoes, salad, the whole works. That was at a place in Groton long point. From there we went up to misquamaquet beach RI to a place called "The Wreck", big beach bar/nite club. I'd never had a black russian before and man were they good, drank 21 of them in 2 hours [Note: I could kill a 5th of smirnoffs blue with no problem back then so what if it had a something called kahaula in it, big mistake ]. My two shipmates decided to call it a nite so we headed back to the barracks. I was feeling OK, not real blasted but once that van started rocking across the sand parking lot I felt it coming up. Soon as we hit the main road I rolled down the passenger side window and unloaded that whole dinner and drinks, my other mate in the back started roaring and finally was able to tell us 'The poor dude behind us had to turn on his windshield wipers', all I could picture was him picking bits of lettce and lobster dinner out of his grill the next morning
The not funny part was that if I hadn't puked I would have died from alchohol poisioning, as it was they kept me in the sub base med center the whole rest of the labor day weekend.
I learned my lesson, from then on I NEVER AGAIN tailgated anyone leaving a bar and to this day I can't stomach kaluha or dairy queen hot fudge sundaes either.
If I ever run into you I'll teach you how to win bar bets that you can eat a raw clam without putting it in your mouth