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A Message For All You Youngsters

Glenn said:
Huh? In what year again? Motorola did Cell in 73/74 ish..... what the heck did they use back then? Long spools of copper wire? :D Seriously...point me to a link, would love to see the tech they used.... fun to see how stuff changes.
I remember in the early '80s visiting the best hi-fi car stereo shop in my area and the cell phones were priced on average around $3500. Big ol, hardwired bricks they were. Of course, Glenn, I think you were old enough to remember these, right? :roflmao:

I wasn't a kid during the '80s, but I still think that decade sucked. MTV? Sucked then, sucks now. I'll take the '70s over the '80s any day. We didn't have the toys in the '60s & '70s, but in my mind those times were simpler, happier, and not so rat-raced.
Thanks, guys, make me feel old.
Typewriters had no spell check, right hand to slam the carriage back. First electric I saw was in Dad's office, for the "secretary" to transribe from the Dict-a-phone. Wanna know how to spell, look it up in the dictionary.
8-track tapes were all the rage, you could even tape off your vinyl albums so that you could play them in the car. First color TV I watched was bought by my father, just so that we could watch the Apollo moon landing (and that was in B&W). Got to see it live, Mom let us stay home from school, as the school didn't have a color TV, and the one at home was bigger, at 17".
No electronic toys, first calculator cost Dad $180, and it ran on 4 C cells. Dang thing still works, only 4 functions, Dad used it again to do his taxes this year. We rode bicycles, w/o helmets, played with lawn darts, and spent time on playgrounds that had jungle gyms and swings with chains, all over an asphalt base. Made swords and knives in metal shop class. Learned about construction design by building treehouses (and having them fall out of the trees with us in them). Streaking in the woods with the girls (look out for sticker patches). Still remember Grandpa's old phone # - TUxedo8-2874!
Visit relatives, learned about party lines on the phone - Uncle Roy was 2 short and a long, Uncle Louie was 1 short, 1 long - don't answer anything else, it might be for a neighbor.
We survived, maybe a few broken bones and scars. We even used to have dirt clod wars, not quite as hard as a rock for throwing at each other.

Cable, Dish? Still don't have it! Spend too much time watching TV with the free stations as it is. Best thing ever invented was the Microwave and frozen pizza....anyone remember the first TV dinners? No flavor, no texture, but they were "quick" to fix - about 40 minutes in the OVEN!

God, I feel old.......
Lawn Darts! I totally forgot about those. To add to your list of "Activities That Would Make Parents Pass Out Today", when it would be raining out, we would ride cardboard down a flight of stairs with metal reinforced edging at my friend's house. Also, skitching in the winter. Wait for it to snow. Have someone cross the street in front of a car so they slow down or stop. 3 or 4 kids run low behind the car, squat down and grab onto the bumper and get pulled down the street. Hours of fun and excitement!
Urban Redneck said:
Also, skitching in the winter. Wait for it to snow. Have someone cross the street in front of a car so they slow down or stop. 3 or 4 kids run low behind the car, squat down and grab onto the bumper and get pulled down the street. Hours of fun and excitement!

Glad to see someone else call it that. Must have been before you got to Gil's BBQ, but I was trying to tell a story about it, and Beezil insisted it was called something else entirely? Anyway, blizzard of '79, about 5 of us were skitching off our buddy's dad's Ford wagon with studded snow tires. The bumper was full so I hung on to the driver's side rear door handle. Great fun until my buddy made a fast left turn and my feet went straight. B-bump right over my legs- about gave him a heart attack. Between thick clothing, thick snow, and a high level of intoxication, I was fine... but that was the last time I participated in that sport :dunce:
Originally Posted by XTrmXJ
Posted what was said before, I dont care what anyone says about this tread, as long as people keep getting older there will alway be someone saying " when I was growing up" or "You kids have it easy" Bla Bla Bla .. Like I said I dont care who you are, everyone wants to campare how hard they had it... But if you stop and think about it you were in the same position with the older generation saying the same dam thing, so in turn you are talking about yourself when You say a "Message For All You Youngsters".. Shit Im 24, It doesnt take Age to be wise, it take Heart and Mind.. Im not trying to be a dic or anything I just wanted to state my $.02....

Sheesh. Cool it, man.

I never said I wasn't a youngster at the old age of 30.

Even a 100 year old man is a youngster to a 110 year old man.

I was referring to the 18 to 20s. Guess I shoulda added that, huh? Then maybe y'all anal types can find another thread to nitpick on. This thread was intended for entertainment value only.

I suppose "youngster" is a relative term. I look at it as, by the time you graduated high school, I had already been in 20 different countries and had earned the right to be a member of my local VFW.


I sorry if I came over rude... Its just almost like somebody saying "I would have done it this way" ... I just seem to hear "you youngsters have it easy" comming from people that dont deserve to say those things (Im not implying it to anyone, I hear it everytime I go home on leave with friends and others) and it just gets on my nerves... Everyone has always had it easier than the previos generations in my eyes, and some truely make it bad to others.. I was at least raised good to apreciate what I had and nothing else, I didnt have alot of equidities that others had growing up (close to being modernised amish, but not) on the Farm.... But now Im 24yrs old E-5 in the Air Force and I have been to every country in the world like you also mentioned and was involved in Search and Resue during Iraqy Freedom (not fun getting shot at)... After reading the thread it did make me thiink back on alot of the other things mentioned, and alot that I never had... I do in a way agree with the statment, but its not the persons fault that they have it easy, its there parents that make it that way... So the way I look at it is that when you tell you children they have it easy, stop and think of the reason why.....
Posted what was said before, I dont care what anyone says about this tread, as long as people keep getting older there will alway be someone saying " when I was growing up" or "You kids have it easy" Bla Bla Bla .. Like I said I dont care who you are, everyone wants to campare how hard they had it... But if you stop and think about it you were in the same position with the older generation saying the same dam thing, so in turn you are talking about yourself when You say a "Message For All You Youngsters".. Shit Im 24, It doesnt take Age to be wise, it take Heart and Mind.. Im not trying to be a dic or anything I just wanted to state my $.02
Sheesh. Cool it, man.
I never said I wasn't a youngster at the old age of 30.
Even a 100 year old man is a youngster to a 110 year old man.
I was referring to the 18 to 20s. Guess I shoulda added that, huh? Then maybe y'all anal types can find another thread to nitpick on. This thread was intended for entertainment value only.
I suppose "youngster" is a relative term. I look at it as, by the time you graduated high school, I had already been in 20 different countries and had earned the right to be a member of my local VFW.

I sorry if I came over rude... Its just almost like somebody saying "I would have done it this way" ... I just seem to hear "you youngsters have it easy" comming from people that dont deserve to say those things (Im not implying it to anyone, I hear it everytime I go home on leave with friends and others) and it just gets on my nerves... Everyone has always had it easier than the previos generations in my eyes, and some truely make it bad to others.. I was at least raised good to apreciate what I had and nothing else, I didnt have alot of equidities that others had growing up (close to being modernised amish, but not) on the Farm.... But now Im 24yrs old E-5 in the Air Force and I have been to every country in the world like you also mentioned and was involved in Search and Resue during Iraqy Freedom (not fun getting shot at)... After reading the thread it did make me thiink back on alot of the other things mentioned, and alot that I never had... I do in a way agree with the statment, but its not the persons fault that they have it easy, its there parents that make it that way... So the way I look at it is that when you tell you children they have it easy, stop and think of the reason why.....
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yeah, okie terry, entertainment value on this thread is high. Good job.

As a young lad of 8 or so I remember waking up early to watch Starblazers before school. Funny thing is I always rememberd it in color but we only had a small B&W TV. When Robotech came out it was the closest thing to Starblazers for a long time so that was a favorite. The old green Plymouth Duster was infamous for delivering a bump on the noggin from the rear quarter glass latch while we bounced around in the back seat. Tonka trucks could take a beating in those days so some things have degressed.
Urban Redneck said:
ONTV was a microwave signal sent out. I remember having a small tiny antenna on the roof. Small is relative, considering that the "regular" antenna was about 6' long. Used to be able to catch the picture scrambled on my tv in my room. Turn up the sound on the radio and "watch" a scrambled picture of the Blackhawks games. Since Chicago never broadcast their home games, you had to pay for Sportsvision on ONTv.

When I was 14 years old and watching scrambled pay TV it damn sure wasn't hockey.
xjblue said:
Tonka trucks could take a beating in those days .

This is sooo true. My two sons (4&5) play with the same Tonka dump truck and frontend loader that I played with when I was their age. The also play with a Nylent pick-up truck that I had. Man those are tough.
Scott Mac. said:
When I was 14 years old and watching scrambled pay TV it damn sure wasn't hockey.

Yea what was that station out of Chi. that was scrambled, 60, 50, don't remember. I had a friend who lived the other side of Rockford and we used to sit up late at night just waiting for something "recognizable" to show up.
Gonna show some age here...
I remember when:
We only had 1 TV station when I was @ 8yrs old ..
American Bandstand,Dick Clark hadn't had any facial surgery ...YET
Coca Cola was .05 and only came in the greenish colored bottles
You didn't have to lock your doors,everybody was your friend..
The day"The Music Died"the plane crash that killed,Buddy Holly,Richie Valens
and "The Big Bopper"
Elvis,on The Ed Sullivan show,only shown from the waist up
EVERYBODY had fireworks on the 4th of July
I could go on but I hafta go to work...
Those were some cood days.....but time marches on,and all we can do is think back and remember...."THE GOOD OLE DAYS"