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You won't believe this!

Sand blast grit in the intake not so far fetched. Worked as an apprentice for an older mechanic at a Buick dealer in the early eighties. He would tell of all kinds of tricks that the previous generation of mechanics knew that the generation of techs would never get. Stuff still used by shade tree folks. ATF poured down carb to find exhaust leak, WD40 or carb cleaner to find intake vacuum leak, etc. One he told me about was crushed and ground up walnut shells down carb to 'knock' loose carbon from the valves. I never tried that, but I did and have still used ground black pepper in the radiator to plug a pin hole leak.

As for shop classes in HS. Someone hit the nail on the head earlier with cost of equipment, liability insurance and instructors. But don't forget space. A shop with three cars equates to a room full of computers for a computer lab. Instead of a class of 12, there could be thirty computer stations.

5-90, used to teach the apprentices at night at SF Community College, good pay, but cut into my family time to much. Good luck at DeAnza, get your ASE certs and earn more $$$.

Take care,
5-90, I get the impression you are so full of yourself, that it is no longer funny. Claims of "getting your men from the stockade", previous claims that you did stuff you cannot talk about here, all BS. IF you even remotely had any of these priveleges, you certainly would not epsouse your bullshit in public. Funniest all is your posts saying you are waiting to be called back up for the current conflict (search the old forums if you doubt me!).

The truth is, those of us involved in the military, and current or past operations are happy we where able to server our Nation. We do not come to Jeep Boards trying to make ourselves look like heros, or so important that our Military cannot go to war with out them, or that they are so special nobody can know what they did. TRUE soldiers need not brag about deeds or skills. Just take pride in what they did. Bragging leads many to believe that the person bragging was NOT there, and not involved.... but was an 11B that wanted to be involved.

5-90, I challenge you...put up or shut up. Where where you when? Can't say? Then you should not have brought it up. We all know that.

5-90 said:
Anyone can motivate a winner. It takes work to motivate a loser. When I looked for men, I got them from the Stockade and showed them someone gave a damn.

.....Crap Snipped....

It's a plain fact - America is getting dumber. I wonder if we've had to adjust the IQ scales yet, before someone's "self-esteem" gets damaged when they find out they suffer from idiocy... I guess that will kick mine up a few notches, tho, so it can't be all bad... I wonder if I have those test results files somewhere....

Boatwrench said:
Sand blast grit in the intake not so far fetched.


One he told me about was crushed and ground up walnut shells down carb to 'knock' loose carbon from the valves. I never tried that, but I did and have still used ground black pepper in the radiator to plug a pin hole leak.

As for shop classes in HS. Someone hit the nail on the head earlier with cost of equipment, liability insurance and instructors. But don't forget space. A shop with three cars equates to a room full of computers for a computer lab. Instead of a class of 12, there could be thirty computer stations.

5-90, used to teach the apprentices at night at SF Community College, good pay, but cut into my family time to much. Good luck at DeAnza, get your ASE certs and earn more $$$.

Take care,

The ground walnut shell trick is in a mechanics Handbook my Great-Grandfather had (now in the possession of my father) written in 1914. In the low compression engine age they had many of these tricks (the shell grit is supposed to burn before causing damage).

Today ground walnut shells are praised by restorers for the semi-gloss finish they leave on a cast aluminum part when used as the blasting media. The shells are all the rage in Muscle car restorations with factory aluminum intakes (and glass bead blasting is now considered bad form).

The shop class space problem is an issue, as my local Middle School just renovated the Industrial Arts wing (for the first time in 50 years). The traditional shop benches and tables were hauled out and computer workstations installed.

Unless you have a Gerber Cutter machine I'd like to see a computer make a clothes pattern? Yes, I know the computer design software exists because the Fashion Institute for Design and Merchandising is a customer of mine, and they get paid well for the experience. Sometime the skill has to be applied on a table and into the world of tangable artifacts. You would think these "urban survival skills" would still be in demand?

I know it opens a can of worms, but I would like to see an eighth grade standards test for entry to society, and vouchers offered for various high school education opportunities. Grant the student a budget to fund his high school education, after they pass the "grade school" minimum standards test of survival skills. If the student is a joker who cannot comprehend survival skills (balance a checkbook, write a letter to a congressman, vote without hanging chads, etc.) then keep them in grade school until they do pass, except with the carrot that the vouchers do not get funded for the extra years they waste in grade school. If they attend a "ninth year" of grade school to pass the standards test, it limits the voucher committment to only three of the available four years.

Instill some competition into the education system.

If a student wants to attend a pre-college education track, after passing grade school, let them enter the requisite school that offers the opportunity funded with their vouchers. If they want to enter a specialized vocational school, fund the opportunity with vouchers as well. Make a grade point average qualification a requirement for continuing in the program. Offer an incentive to graduate, that is a matching funds program to enter the working world.

California spends over $8,000 each year for each student enrolled in secondary level public education. Offer a $4K voucher to the student to spend on each year of expertise they desire as secondary education (college prep or vocational school), and offer another $4K match for each year if they graduate. The successful four-year secondary education graduate recieves $16K to begin an entry into the working world (University or Hard-Knocks). The net cost to the state would be no more than expended today.

I would expect a fair number of the Vocational Education Graduates would leverage the bonus and job skills into a working student University degree program. The college prep students would use the bonus for tuition. An inclined student may simply bank the bonus and join the military with an equvalent signing bonus, to begin a fund that would grow to $250K after a 20-year enlistment.

The result (IMO) of this type of program would be less cost to the taxpayer and better graduates (more functional graduates as well). Do you think the Democrats would allow vouchers so the oppressed vocational school candidates could gain freedom from the public school ties that bind them to poverty?
GSequoia said:
I can tell you about tech classes, in 1997 the most advanced computer class at South Torrance High School was Programming in Basic (on an Apple IIe!). The only auto shop was Auto Shop I, there was Wood I, that was it. Not enough budget to afford the expertise, equipment, and insurance.

not true, my High school had a fairlyu well supplied auto, metal, and wood shop.

Only took autoshop, but at least for the year I went (its stopped as of this year) we were sponsored by snapon, which ran night classes their. Fully furnished snapon autoshop.

Now that thats gone, its not quite as cool, but we do have 3 stick welders, a MIG, plasma cutter, 3 inside lifts, two lifts outside, complete selection of tools, specialty and common.

They just recieved a grant from somewhere for like 20,000 dollars going to each of the three shops.
Also like to add that we had room for at least 20 junkers to work on. With room for more in a parking lot about 50 feet from the shop.

Ya, that shop I would consider an above average, but most of the HS's I know around here have at least some form of autoshop.

I still go to that shop to mount and balance tires, get stuff welded, or use their lifts.
I use crushed walnut hull in a shaker bowl for cleaning cartridges, but nothing else. For carbon, I used to use a trigger spray bottle full of plain water and squirt a good mist into the intake at high idle. Made my Bug cough black clouds every now and then when I did it, so it did seem to work (and didn't cost a fortune.)

Part of the reason to go to school is to fill in the blanks - OBD-II, CADD/CNC, and the like.

Oh -

USAF 1990-1995. Seconded to US Army, 5thSF, 82d ABN, and 7th LID. Primary AO - South America, Secondary AO's Europe and Asia Minor. USAF/SOCOM 1991-1995. Airmobile Combat Communications, second in Intel. I have a short but highly checkered life - I've wedged more life into 30 years that most people have in 50, from what I find out talking to people.

While I didn't get men directly from the stockades, I did prefer getting a troublemaker with potential over a "Soldier of the Year" any day - motivate a man everyone calls a loser, and he'll follow you anywhere. Give him a place to fit in, and put his peculiar talents to work.

Full of myself? Perhaps - and that is likely to change. Have you ever had to suppress your ego for any length of time? It's time I stopped, so I did. That causes the pendulum to swing the other way - it will centre, eventually. Of course, I tend toward hyperbole at times, but that's always been the case - don't tell me you've never used some exaggeration to make a point? I thought not.

Skeptic, I am pleased to see you live up to your moniker - but even a sceptic such as myself knows that there is a time to understand and possibly believe. I hope this helps you.
