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Colorado B/S Thread

The Colorado BS thread

Yeah, WTH??!!! They closed school because of the potential storm? In MT I only ever got a snow day once, that was right after school started in August and we got hit by a freak snow storm. 6" of snow and everyone was wearing shorts and flip flops so they shut down school and made us wait inside until a parent picked us up.

High School in Westminster and we never got the day off for snow.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

Such a sad, sad state of affairs our Country is in right now.

A father in North Carolina who was barely making ends meet for his family, found himself so concerned about our Government and those running it that he needed to build a bunker/shelter "To protect my family from what is certainly coming sooner than later"....... only to lose his 6 year old daughter and her 7 year old cousin when the earth walls of the pit he was digging collapsed in on them, burying them alive.

Re: The Colorado BS thread

Yeah, WTH??!!! They closed school because of the potential storm? In MT I only ever got a snow day once, that was right after school started in August and we got hit by a freak snow storm. 6" of snow and everyone was wearing shorts and flip flops so they shut down school and made us wait inside until a parent picked us up.

High School in Westminster and we never got the day off for snow.

A bunch of sissies running things these days.........
Re: The Colorado BS thread

the pussification of america is indeed a sad thing. That said, I think Yella's sticker is pretty stupid -- I am without question a peace activist, but break into my house and find out if I'm a chicken or a pussy. Advocating against senseless war that kills the young, pushed by corrupt politicians to profit their buddies in the defense and energy industries does not make anyone a "chicken". Lame.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

It is unbelievable to me even being 17 at the amount of pussification in the USA.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

Such a sad, sad state of affairs our Country is in right now.

A father in North Carolina who was barely making ends meet for his family, found himself so concerned about our Government and those running it that he needed to build a bunker/shelter "To protect my family from what is certainly coming sooner than later"....... only to lose his 6 year old daughter and her 7 year old cousin when the earth walls of the pit he was digging collapsed in on them, burying them alive.


Damn........... that is some crappy news! :(
Re: The Colorado BS thread

the pussification of america is indeed a sad thing. That said, I think Yella's sticker is pretty stupid -- I am without question a peace activist, but break into my house and find out if I'm a chicken or a pussy. Advocating against senseless war that kills the young, pushed by corrupt politicians to profit their buddies in the defense and energy industries does not make anyone a "chicken". Lame.

I am not so much the pease kinda guy...... I am a big fan of how things were done by the likes of Alexander The Great, Gangus Khan, Hannibal ect! Kill them all .... I say ;)
Re: The Colorado BS thread

I think Yella's sticker is pretty stupid -- I am without question a peace activist, but break into my house and find out if I'm a chicken or a pussy.

I guess the peace symbol and those that openly promote a personal and non-political position based on it strike me as the kind that would never embrace the value of a firearm, the constitution or liberties in general. I always associate it with the free love, equality for all, let everyone exist as one with the earth, entitled by Mother Nature, flowers in gun barrels kinds of folks. They are the kind that make the sticker funny and well, accurate, to me.

You may be a peace advocate...... but I can't say I've ever seen you position yourself as the apathetic, entitled kind. Let's just say that I'd find it VERY odd to see a peace symbol on that brute of a Ford plow truck you love so much..... or flowers in your gun barrels..... ;)
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Re: The Colorado BS thread

your stereotype is not necessarily accurate, there are more like me. I have no problem with free love, and equality for all (under the law - that's the "all men are created equal" thing), either. I have had in the past, and likely will again in the future sport a peace sign on various t-shirts and bumper stickers. Peace is simply a desire to end senseless killing, and respect for the rights of all others to life, liberty and their pursuit of happiness... if we are to be a people who truly believe the words "all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights", then we must respect those rights regardless of nationality, and regardless of what resources such folks might possess that we think might be nice. My home is also well defended, and I don't expect anything from anyone, except to respect MY inalienable rights. That's peace. Just saying. ;)
Re: The Colorado BS thread

I feel ya Chris........ but I can't wrap my head around that symbol even remotely representing the positions you subscribe to. I see it as advocating a mentality of apathy toward any form of organization, structure, rules, etc. It screams mouth-breathers with zero motivation to do anything but follow nature's path. I guess I've just learned that symbolism can be widely interpreted......

You see that symbol as being a good representation of the way you live your life. And I have zero issue with that.

For me, I'd never be caught dead or alive being even remotely associated with that symbol.

Who knew?
Re: The Colorado BS thread

I don't like dead kids. I therefore am a peace advocate. Its a peace symbol, that's all.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

I guess that's my problem. I don't do the "creator(s)" gig. I find evolution, growth and development, to be more sound of beginnings. I dont think everyone is created equal. Some people are born fighters and some followers. We have catered to followers. So, as evolution would have it, guess what we have more of....
you guessed it, followers.
If it went back to the ways of earning everything. Making your own clothes and raising your own food and building what needed to be built, we would have more leaders.
there will never be equality. Just like in any ecosystem, if you want to survive you adapt.

(by leaders I mean folks willing to stand up and do what needs to be done. Lead the evolution of doers not whiners.)
Re: The Colorado BS thread

No one likes dead kids. I do not support war.

Kim Jong-un's gravestone........ that's a peace symbol I can wrap my head around.

I also hope one day I can see the American Flag as a symbol of a peaceful nation.....
Re: The Colorado BS thread

No one likes dead kids. I do not support war.

Kim Jong-un's gravestone........ that's a peace symbol I can wrap my head around.

I also hope one day I can see the American Flag as a symbol of a peaceful nation.....

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity though unfortunately..
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Re: The Colorado BS thread

your stereotype is not necessarily accurate, there are more like me. I have no problem with free love, and equality for all (under the law - that's the "all men are created equal" thing), either. I have had in the past, and likely will again in the future sport a peace sign on various t-shirts and bumper stickers. Peace is simply a desire to end senseless killing, and respect for the rights of all others to life, liberty and their pursuit of happiness... if we are to be a people who truly believe the words "all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights", then we must respect those rights regardless of nationality, and regardless of what resources such folks might possess that we think might be nice. My home is also well defended, and I don't expect anything from anyone, except to respect MY inalienable rights. That's peace. Just saying. ;)

I do not believe in senseless killing but killing I will do without hesitation if the situation warrants it! All men may be created equal under the law until you need it and cannot afford it. A good system of laws would be where the average person could understand the law and represent themselves if necessary. As it stands the average person stands no chance of understanding the plethera of laws our fine outstanding, elected representitives have drummjed up ........... Respect is a two way street. The rights of all free men as laid down by our founding fathers are simple and well thought out. Today those rights are being altered, challenged and burried under a ton of ammended shit! :D
Re: The Colorado BS thread

"You can give peace a chance........ I'll be right behind you with my AR as cover...... in case that don't work out".

Made me chuckle........ :thumbup: