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Girlfriend issues?

Just tell her and be done. If you tell her rudely/meanly, then she'll be more angry about you being a dick than breaking up.
Tell her you're gay; and with a smile on your face, start asking her probing questions about her brother....

...that's all I got.
My buddy just called things off with his girl two nights ago. I also have had to do this a couple of times and there really is no way to avoid her getting upset especially if she isn't expecting it. Just start acting weird and distant, woman can't not pick at a situation so she will eventually ask what is wrong and pester you to tell her whats up. Say "no nothing is wrong" she will pester you to tell her then you drop the bomb. Or you can just be super blunt and say hey yah I'm out this ain't working. The first way might be a little more mind f****** as she may sit there later and wonder if you would have broken up with her had she not bugged you about it.

Either way she is going to get really upset you just can't avoid it other than staying with her.
There is no way to avoid the upset part. Be straight forward and say "Its been alright (don't say great or nice or anything super postive), but I don't think this is what I want" Offer to be friends, but don't make promises. Avoid booty calls from her for some time (until after she has had another relationship preferrably). Also, you can simply enlist into the military, go overseas for a year, and statisiticly (based off my last deployment) you have a 91% chance she will leave you. Food for thought.

want me to call her and tell her for you?

post her #

or you can change your relationship status on FB to single.

EDIT: for what i really feel

quit being a little bitch, The chick is better off with out you if your not man enough to brake it off. do her a favor and just tell her straight up. she will probably be happy your soft spoken i don't want to hurt your feelings ass is gone.
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Just start acting weird and distant, woman can't not pick at a situation so she will eventually ask what is wrong and pester you to tell her whats up. Say "no nothing is wrong" she will pester you to tell her then you drop the bomb.

So he wants advice on a relatively painless and you think he should drag it out?

If you state the year, and what powertrain are in your XJ this would be easier.


Screw her one last time then immediately start packing, don't say anything.

But seriously just be blunt and stand your ground or she'll cry her way back.
Just do it, like a band-aid, the longer you draw it out the worse for everyone. Then walk away, no hugs, no shoulder to cry on, and wait a few weeks before you go for break up sex.
So he wants advice on a relatively painless and you think he should drag it out?

I didn't say it was a quick fix one day solution but trust me if he does it right it won't take more than a couple of days. Enough time to figure out where his s**t is gonna go to if he is living with her.

Also I included a second option that is a quick fix so I was just giving him options.
Just tell her the truth man....if you are honest, it will still hurt her if she truly does care for you....but maybe she will respect you for being honest and not being a douche and sleeping with someone else or just not talking to her all together....

Just tell her you don't see it going any further and you would like to move on.....

but right after you say that, cup your nuts
First thing I thought was Pics???!!!! Just tell her, I mean how long have u been dating? Do u live together?
Did you just start this thread to get us stirred up?
there has been a lot of great questions asked and options given without response. The question I have is simply what makes you think she will have a breakdown? Is she already emotionally unstable? Does she have history of manic depression? Are you really that good of a man that she will be devastated?

Hell it really doesnt matter what the answers to the above questions are just tell her to kick rocks and roll on. The best way to get over one is to get under another one....

wait if yall have kids I would highly advise weighing your options first and asking yourself is it really "cheaper to keep her"

well crap now i have butter all over my keyboard, oh well back to eating popcorn and watching this show