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Atheist billboards

Are you sure you can bash the atheists for not believing in your god, while you yourself refuse to consider that they're actually right? Isn't that happily ignoring any possible benefits, or the possibility there may be something to it?


I can see your point but that would mean I question my faith or somehow, hypothetically, imagine not believing. Not possible here. I've been on both sides of the track, I'm happy here :read:

Piece out!
I'd say most people here are anti-Hummer, but there's not really any threads started just to trash talk them. Yeah, they come up on occasion, but it's not common.

And this isn’t even an Anti-Hummer web site. The analogy was not meant to imply NAXJA was anti-hummer, just trying to show why someone who doesn’t believe in something could be concerned with that thing. I could have used Capitalism and Communism and opposites but figured it would be easier to relate to not liking Hummers.

But then we religious don't tend to sit around and bad-mouth atheists. Usually when there's a topic here on religion, there's a large response from atheists. Some are pretty civil about our differing views on God, others come in just to say that anyone who believes in any sort of religion is a fool chasing a fairytale. So my question would be, since in my opinion the latter tend to outnumber the former, why the hostility?

I hate to say this but I believe religion is a fairytale. I don’t mean this in a hurtful way, it’s just the way I (and many atheists) see it. Having said that, I would not usually phrase an argument in that manner because it does seem to raise the ire of most religious folk. Others aren’t as tactful or as patient and that’s when the discussion gets heated.

When you mention the word “hostility” I think of physical action. I hope you have never been attacked by an atheist (or anyone else). If you’re just speaking of verbally hostile, well, when you have two views as diametrically opposed and theism and atheism things can get heated. Take for example Right Wing/Left Wing, Capitalism/Communism, Hummer/Anti-Hummer. Some of those things have actually started wars.

As a counter to the “why the hostility?” When I talk religion I tend to see believers throw the “hurt feelings” card at strong disagreement to their views. In other words, they get a hurt look on their face and want to know why you’re picking on them.

Since this has stayed pretty civil and calm, let's try to keep it there. :)

If this thread gets out of hand and deleted you are always welcome to PM me and we can continue discussions behind closed doors.

Even the Darwinists don't get it, man is a spiritual animal, has been as long as man became man (forethought, understanding etc.) instead of pure animal.
Spirituality has likely had as much influence on what mankind is today as the weather or any other survival of the fittest influences (Genotype-Phenotype).
Rabid atheists are saying they know better than a million years of evolution and we should scrap spirituality (what got us here in the first place) and charge of in another direction to whom knows where?
IMO most atheists are so afraid they are right, they require constant external reinforcement of their choice.

Man being a spiritual animal does not prove the existence of a supernatural being. Just because we want something to be doesn’t mean it is.

And your opinion would be wrong; most atheists seek “constant” (your word not mine) reinforcement of their choice because they are the minority. To fight the majority you need to be on your toes, which requires practice. I actually smile quite a bit when I reply to religious posts, no fear here. :)
Why is it that Christians don't think their God is smart enough to come up with evolution? :)
Why is it that Christians don't think their God is smart enough to come up with evolution? :)

That statement is just designed to pick a fight... Just as earlier you got miffed when all Atheists were lumped in with Darwinists, the result is the same here. Same christians believe that no doubt. Hell, I dated a girl whose church was so backwards and outdated she still thought that women had one less Rib then men. Your statement also lumps the creation of every species on earth into one action, which is where most Christians start to disagree.

Why would he not use that way? I have never seen much of a conflict between the two. Evolution does occur, there is no doubt of that. The question is how far does it go? Did it start with a primitive man and move, or are your ancestors amoebas?

are we all just the offspring of a retarded frog-squirrel?
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That statement is just designed to pick a fight...

Why would he not use that way? I have never seen much of a conflict between the two. Evolution does occur, there is no doubt of that. The question is how far does it go? Did it start with a primitive man and move, or are your ancestors amoebas?

are we all just the offspring of a retarded frog-squirrel?

et tu Wolf. The battle is met!
Man being a spiritual animal does not prove the existence of a supernatural being. Just because we want something to be doesn’t mean it is.

And your opinion would be wrong; most atheists seek “constant” (your word not mine) reinforcement of their choice because they are the minority. To fight the majority you need to be on your toes, which requires practice. I actually smile quite a bit when I reply to religious posts, no fear here. :)

This is as truthful as it gets on a personal level. IMO most people are trained from a very young age to think in certain ways, kind of an OS. Which can be good, as it helps people to communicate effectively. It can also shut down many of the alternate paths (possibilities, latent talents, senses and sensitivities) that an un indoctrinated person may have been born with and that have developed more naturally.
To put it bluntly, I care about my fellow human beings (in most cases) and always have the fear, when (enter deity of your choice here) calls they will hang up the phone. I don't really give a rats arse if you believe or not, but I hope in my ramblings to leave a little bit of doubt in the equation, so if that voice says "DUCK" you don't ignore it.
You can call it intuition, I say it's more akin to a collective consciousness, more than intuition. And from experience it can be very insistent, which leads me to believe it is probably not coming from within.
I'm going to call it the "Holy Ghost" for lack of a better description. It's kind of like trying to describe the color blue to a blind person. You've either experienced it or you haven't.
But on a pure survival level, a wise person would leave the door open to most any and all possibilities. Nothing to be lost keeping an open mind, possibly a lot to loose.
are we all just the offspring of a retarded frog-squirrel?

Ever been the secluded areas of the mountainous East TN/KY area?

But on a pure survival level, a wise person would leave the door open to most any and all possibilities.

Agnostic. I think more people may be agnostic rather than atheist. For me, I don't think we can definitively say there is no higher power. In my personal experiences, I can't say for sure there is a higher power.

I'm definitely the kind of person who has trouble 'just believing' in something like that. I need something verifiable.

I'm cool with people that have their own beliefs. You want to believe in FSM? Fine by me. Christianity? Fine. Buddhism? Fine. Scientology? Kind of fine. Just don't push it in my face. Chances are, you'll get a broken nose.
I am curious if the athiest groups pass the plate near the end of their gatherings? If they collectively own property? Have a book of actions and reactions? If they expand/promulgate will they have rifts, divisions and controversies? Is the Church of Scientology an athiest bastion?

I don't know. I am not attempting levity, though it may be funny. Nor am I attempting to belittle anyone's feelings or beliefs, though some questions may be pointed. I am simply curious.
No need for tithing- we don't have temples to build and maintain for the priests and their entourages.

But you now have billboards to put up? Perhaps an athiest benefactor? And what, when Denny's becomes to small for the 'congregation'? Will a cake sale ensue to fund a proper meeting site?
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There is no central Atheist headquarters where we send money and receive directions. We are not a cohesive group, nor an alternate religion. What some guys in Texas decide to do with their money is their business. I personally wouldn't waste the money on it- we won't even put a billboard up for the business.

In a larger community, especially as we're coming upon hard times, I guess it makes sense that people would reach out and try to offer some comfort to others- that's very much a human trait, I think, and not one that's tied to a faith, or lack thereof. We are social animals, more than we are spiritual ones.
And this isn’t even an Anti-Hummer web site. The analogy was not meant to imply NAXJA was anti-hummer, just trying to show why someone who doesn’t believe in something could be concerned with that thing. I could have used Capitalism and Communism and opposites but figured it would be easier to relate to not liking Hummers.
Yeah, I was just picking on that one...:)

I hate to say this but I believe religion is a fairytale. I don’t mean this in a hurtful way, it’s just the way I (and many atheists) see it. Having said that, I would not usually phrase an argument in that manner because it does seem to raise the ire of most religious folk. Others aren’t as tactful or as patient and that’s when the discussion gets heated.

When you mention the word “hostility” I think of physical action. I hope you have never been attacked by an atheist (or anyone else). If you’re just speaking of verbally hostile, well, when you have two views as diametrically opposed and theism and atheism things can get heated. Take for example Right Wing/Left Wing, Capitalism/Communism, Hummer/Anti-Hummer. Some of those things have actually started wars.

As a counter to the “why the hostility?” When I talk religion I tend to see believers throw the “hurt feelings” card at strong disagreement to their views. In other words, they get a hurt look on their face and want to know why you’re picking on them.
See, it's one thing to have a differing opinion, but another thing with a lot of what you see on the forums here. It comes out as a Christian vs Atheist fight, and it's just silly to me. As a Christian, my heart should be to reach out in peace to atheists, and if the opportunity arises, to try and show them what I've found. FIghting doesn't quite accomplish that...:) For atheists, if a Christian tries to share his/her faith, we're not trying to condemn, we're just concerned for where you're going after we're done on this Earth. Even if you don't believe in a need to be right with God, at least understand the motivation. :D Still tell us to go away if you don't wanna hear it, but ya know, we're not (most of us at least) trying to call you an evil, bad person. We're no better.

If this thread gets out of hand and deleted you are always welcome to PM me and we can continue discussions behind closed doors.
I don't anticipate problems, but will keep that in mind. :)
There is no central Atheist headquarters where we send money and receive directions. We are not a cohesive group, nor an alternate religion. What some guys in Texas decide to do with their money is their business. I personally wouldn't waste the money on it- we won't even put a billboard up for the business.

In a larger community, especially as we're coming upon hard times, I guess it makes sense that people would reach out and try to offer some comfort to others- that's very much a human trait, I think, and not one that's tied to a faith, or lack thereof. We are social animals, more than we are spiritual ones.
My church has no central headquarters. We tithe to pay the bills at the church and to be able to give money to help people and support missionaries, etc.