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WTT/B seats


NAXJA Forum User
San Diego, CA
anybody in the SD area have some seats they need to get rid of? they dont need to be flash, just not torn up and smell like cigarettes like the ones i have now do. i dont smoke and the smell is driving me absolutely batty! will trade for beer and happy endings..
will trade for beer and happy endings..

Shit, you can have the seats out of any of my cars!

Kidding...... Anyway, there is a product called "Auto Shocker" that my wife found that's used to eliminate the smell of pets and smoke in cars. We used it in a vehicle she wanted to buy that had been smoked in pretty bad. Since using it, the car does not have the smoke smell anymore. However, very rarely on a really hot day when we start the AC, we will get a quick, slight scent of smoke that quickly dissipates. this has really only happened like twice during the course of 8 months and I assume changing the cabin filter will eliminate this..

Here's a link of it on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Auto-Shocker-...8&qid=1348769218&sr=1-1&keywords=auto+shocker

Good luck.