The journey of 1000 miles begins with.........
Sorry but the post from T-Bent made my 1800 Margarita come out of my nose.
Moving on.
Being only 3.75" lifted, I can't help much, at least from an experience standpoint.
Doc, there are plenty of vehicles out there that are far, far easier and cheaper to successfully lift than an XJ. Being a unibody vehicle, lift can only be obtained in the suspension, which is a pretty finely tuned unit the way AMC designed it. Like a falling domino, you can't really 'put some stink' on one part of it wihtout affecting all of the connected parts, and some that are not connected. Additional height leads to increased drivetrain and steering angles, center of gravity changes, stability issues, strength issues, vibration and control issues, and it just goes on and on. The costs increase exponentially as you go up, and no 2 XJs are the same so you don't really have much to go on as far as absolute results. I wish you the best of luck and truly make sure that you ask a lot of questions and really listen to the answers. You won't find a more impressive collection of knowledge, experience, and knowhow about Jeeps than you will on this board. Plus, you can learn a little about woodworking, welding, RC hobbys, boats, steam engines, internal combustion engine modification, computer hardware and networking, home brewing, legal self-representation, military strategy, politics at home and abroad, sports, fission vs. fusion nuclear physics, air traffic laws, the Simpsons, camping, wilderness survival, travel, etc, etc, etc.