lazyxj what did that rear bump come from ? I need to get bigger rear bumps
I took a little time to find the ones I actually installed, it has been a few years.
The bolt holes (slots) fits the stock bump-stop studs.
At first, the rear bump-stops were too stiff so I cut the sides at an angle until they compressed they way I wanted them to. The 5100 shocks have an exposed shaft so I used small zip-ties, on the shafts, to test for travel. A hard hits leaves 1/2" of the shaft unused, to protect the shock. Did the same on the front shocks.
The front Prothanes received a similar treatment to get full travel while using the bump-stops to their full advantage. Start long and trim until they fit correctly.
A piece of 1-1/4" UHMW plastic rod, placed inside the Prothanes, provides a positive stop in case of a super-hard hit. Trim the rod to fit. Once again, a 1/2" of the shock's shaft remains after hard hits. So far, so good.
My XJ's Prothanes are short to accommodate the small 4" lift. Bigger lifts use longer Prothanes so buy the longer ones and trim to fit.
Dropping the front shock's lower-mounts allows 5" of up-travel out of the 10" 5150s.
Air bumps are the ultimate but the Prothanes are very nice and a lot cheaper and easier to install.