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Stinky Fab full plate motor mounts


NAXJA Forum User
escondido, ca
So i've been meaning to do a writeup on these for a while, but forgot until i was going through my camera the other day and saw the pics.
I picked up a set of these: http://www.stinkyfab.com/heavy-duty...avy-duty-jeep-xj-4-0l-motor-mounts-87-01.html maybe a few months ago. I was originally going to get the Brown Dogs, but these were cheaper and the guy is local so i figured i'd give them a shot. My mounts were completely shot so i needed them sooner than later anyways.... it was pretty bad to drive.
So a few days later i get a call that they were done, so i drove over to his shop and picked them up. Pretty badass if i don't say myself. They do come unpainted, but i didn't care as i knew they'd get all scratched up anyways on install.

I did the driver's side first, it went pretty smooth because i had to change my cracked header anyways so all that stuff was out of the way. everything went pretty self explanitory.
Old driver's side mount compared to the new one.

with old mount in place

with new mount in place. Pretty darn easy install, really. Not as bad as i expected.

Next it was time for the passenger side. This was a bit more of an ordeal. The oil filter relocator had to be removed, which was fairly easy on my motor. It was time for an oil change so i did that at the same time. I also had to loosen the alternator and scoot it out of the way. Probably would go a lot easier if i removed it, but i didnt. You will need to leave the driver's side mount and trans mount loose to get everything to line up as things do shift some. I also needed to jack up the motor a little in order to sneak the new mount in place with the alternator still installed. Once you get the bracket on, the mounts go in just like the stock ones.
I wish i could have gotten some more pics, but it was dark when i finished the install so nothing really came out, but here are some.
New bracket compared to old.

where it mounts at the alt bracket. sorry for the dirt, it got wheeled between now and then.

view from top. you can see where i had to move the oil filter relocator down out of the way to get the bolt in and out. Same went with getting the stock mount off so it isnt an issue with the plates.


All in all, it was a pretty easy install, doable in an evening i would say. I have at least a couple months on them and they're great, not really any bad vibes from the poly bushings. There are slightly more than stock, but not enough to be annoying. The trans shifts a lot easier (manual trans) now that everything doesnt move around when i push the clutch in or release it. I've hit some pretty good whoops in the desert at like 70-75mph and everything is solid.
Seem like a good product for the money, I've been checkin these plates out almost 2 years ago now, as usual other things need to be purchased first.
Did these come shipped with hardware?
i think everything but a couple bolts. pretty sure anything that went into the motor was new grade 8.

I have to say that they look pretty beefy. Do you get both sides?

Is there some issue with the OEM mounting plates?

yes, they are definitely beefy and the welds are sexy. i did get both sides.
the oem plates are only held on by 3 small bolts and the bosses the bolts go into on the motor tend to crack, as well as the plates and bolts from what i read. i figured i'd do it once and do it right.

Seem like a good product for the money, I've been checkin these plates out almost 2 years ago now, as usual other things need to be purchased first.
yea ask souske how nice my motor mounts were before this.... absolutely wasted. it's one of those things you think is not really value added like hoses and belts, but once you change them, you think otherwise. i'm glad i got it over with and dont have to think about it again

the oem ones break when you beat them hard. well, the bolts shear anyway.
the brackets, bolts, and block are apparently weak points. 3 little bolts holding the motor in..... the power steering pump has the same hardware i think, or close to it.
those look great.the brackets are a few bucks cheaper but when combined with the mounts brown dog is actually a bit cheaper. cool that someone else is making these though, i'm sure if he was local to me i'd pick them up from him.
They are MIG'd. I imagine if you wanted a custom set TIG'd, Stinkyfab would make them for a few bucks toward labor. ..but why would you?