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Sacramento area snow run soon?


NAXJA Member
NAXJA Member
I know everyone is probably busy right now, we should try to get a snow run in soon though.

Im shooting for either this saturday, or saturday 22rd, or sat 29th, or Jan 5th?
Snow trip sounds good, January 5th might work for me.
Let me check my calendar. I am better with the 22/29th dates though. we have a house full the week of Xmas. My kids need practice and I want to get out of town for the day.. Hey Dave, you and the offspring wanna join?
Any of the late dec early jan dates work for me. Might bring my other rig depending on where we go.
If my jeep is ready, I might be down for a run the weekend after Christmas. That Saturday.
Im ready for any sunday. im always off on sundays. I love me some snow. also might go next friday.
this weekend wont work for me. as for location I was thinking something up 50 or up 80. I like mormon emmigrant and everyone knows where its at, Ice house is really far in comparison it seems. Is there anything close up 80 ?
I know alot of guys go to uncle toms cav. Met is a good road ive been up there couple weekends ago there all probably going to be around the same distance
You can try fordyce lake rd off of cisco grove on 80. I went there the other weekend and I've never been in better snow. Nice trail too.
i guess i consider uncle toms the same as going up ice house, since you pretty much end up at the same spot.
Ya i havent had the pleasure to venture up that way so i wouldnt know really im down for where ever tho n if going all the way up to cisco grove might as well try signal peak in the snow
I agree with josh. Signal peak might be a bit sketchy. I know that the road to fordyce lake/committee crossing is doable in the right conditions. If you don't want to drop down into the valley that goes to fordyce lake, you can turn around and go to one of the other nearby lakes. It's beautiful up there!
Are you talking like towards Sterling? That would be fun in the snow if the conditions are right like you said. I'm all for something up 80 but whatever works for the everyone else is fine too.
Yes, thats what its called. When I went last, I made it to the final hill dropping into the fordyce lake valley but decided to turn around as I was with a less built rig with no winches. On the way back we hit up lake sterling and had lunch along the water. Beautiful.