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Run the whole worlds on fire!


NAXJA Forum User
Colorado Springs

You do realize that prairies, as found where you live, are meant to burn every year. :)
Ya I'm not to scared but I have family on that side of town! It's getting really close to town!
We were at Wheeler Lake today and were having lunch when we noticed what appeared to be smoke coming over ridge just south of the water fall.

As we got farther down the trail we turned back to see the wispy smoke had turned into a huge billowing cloud of smoke.

When we got down to the v-notch we had ash falling on out rigs.

That's not clouds overhead....

Once we got to Fairplay to air up at the gas station we found out that the smoke we'd seen was from the fire just outside of Leadville and we also learned that the fire had started about 3 hours earlier, so right arround the time we made it to the lake itself.

The view from the gas station in Fairplay:

My buddy James and his family had already headed toward B.V. to spend the night and hit some trails around Tin Cup so we called and let him know what was going on. less than 20 minutes later he called me and told me to expect delays on HWY 24 due to the Waldo Canyon fire.

After heading south on Hwy 9 and making it to Hartsel we made our turn toward home on Hwy 24. As soon as we got past Hartsel we could see the plume of smoke from the Waldo Canyon Fire.....from the middle of effin' South Park!! And it was massive.

As we got closer to Lake George Deb and I knew it was going to be a long trek home.

As we rolled through Divide I started taking inventory of what food we had on hand since Deb is a diabetic and a long stop could've been very bad for her.

From west of Divide:

We pressed on to Woodland Park and the enormity of the fire hit us like a tone of bricks. To see a fire this big and so close to the highway was mind numbing to say the least.

Approaching W.P:

Just south of W.P I startd getting nervous.....REALLY NERVOUS. See, my friend Nate built his house in Waldo Canyon and the closer we got the the bigger the knot in the pit of my stomach got. I installed Nates HVAC system and his house has got one of the most impressive views of Pikes Peak I've ever seen.

Leaving W.P:


As we approached the turn off for the Pikes Peak Highway I looked north toward the area were his house is.....and there's nothing but smoke and flames.

I've called him numerous times and all I get is voice mail. I'm very worried about my friend.

For those of you that are going wheeling tomorrow.....PLEASE be extremely careful.
Keep your cigarette butts in your rig.
Don't start a camp fire.
Don't park a hot rig on dried brush.

Do everything you can to be safe and watch out for fires....they start so easily.

If you haven been to the high country yet....it's as dry as I've ever seen. Tinder dry is the only way that I can think of to describe the conditions we say today. One spark is all it takes, literally.
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Scary stuff..... I have freinds that live north of 24 near the western station half way up the pass!
Bit of a scare near my parent's place in Estes Park today too. 16 homes burned/damaged after a cabin caught fire at the west end of town. Reports say it's contained and crews are sticking around through tomorrow to monitor hot spots........

My folks are out of town........ hope it does stay contained. Otherwise I may be heading up there with a U-haul........

This is getting ugly all around the State........
just posting to get on the notification of this thread in case help is called for...
Bit of a scare near my parent's place in Estes Park today too. 16 homes burned/damaged after a cabin caught fire at the west end of town. Reports say it's contained and crews are sticking around through tomorrow to monitor hot spots........

My folks are out of town........ hope it does stay contained. Otherwise I may be heading up there with a U-haul........

This is getting ugly all around the State........

I think it's ok up there now yella. If things change and you need a hand getting things out, txt me 630-544-4203 I'm only about 30 miles from there and can lend a hand.
My kids say that exact picture is up at the zoo and has been for years, so while cool, it isn't current...
nah, if you google "fire deer river" it'll be one of the first 3 to come up...
This is a great reminder for anyone living in the wildland interface (i.e. forest) -- or really anyone for that matter -- to have a BOB (bug out bag/box) ready to roll. We've had a BOB for years, but once we bought some acreage, we always figured we'd "bug in" for a zombie apocolypce, or whatever. But even so, you still need to be prepared to bug out for a while if mother nature changes the rules. We spent today re-readying our box of food/necessities, and re-stocking our bug-out-bag (essentially changes of clothes, toiletries, etc.) so that we can hit the road if our homestead starts looking more like fuel. 1st rule -- if you're prepared, there is no reason to worry... :cheers: