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passenger side cowl


NAXJA Forum User
NAXJA Member
Salem, OR
so I've been trying to search and nothing of this matter seems to show up, but I have learned that my jeep isnt alone on this. took the black plastic cowl cover off because I wanted to get and idea of how I want to do a cold air intake. the problem I ran in to is that I noticed that the passenger side has no opening but is just straight metal across it. now the question I've been trying to find is has anyone cut this side open? to allow both sides to get air? and how would you go about it? or is this a bad idea?
Bad Idea. It would allow rain to fall directly into the HVAC intake. Also not worth the effort. The hole in the drivers side is more than sufficient to supply enough air the the HVAC and the engine at the same time.
Not sure of the difference between years, but it has been done before - check out Eric's writeup. There is a water barrier in the cowl cover as well as underneath, the portion underneath can be cut:

But there are other options where you only have to cut a hole in the firewall, I use a Spectre in-line kit:

You can also buy just the filter portion and make the other bits yourself:

Here is another kit option:

But you may be looking at doing it yourself to save some coin, which is cool too. Just do yourself a favor and add up ALL the costs before you start buying parts, you might be surprised to find that for an additional $20 you could buy a kit... ask me how I know :anon:
What if I place a air scoop over it with the opening facing the windshield? Would that possibly combat any water or still bad idea? Just trying to figure out options lol
I have been running a cowl intake for almost three years, in a DD, without any water problems. With the stock air box, rain and snow does not seem to effect it. A extra benefit is much lower intake temperatures, especially at freeway speeds. I have found no down side to this mod.
I have been running a cowl intake for almost three years, in a DD, without any water problems. With the stock air box, rain and snow does not seem to effect it. A extra benefit is much lower intake temperatures, especially at freeway speeds. I have found no down side to this mod.

This is a great way to go if you just want cold air. It's cheap and anybody can do it.
I like the spectre kit. However I got my Thor kit before I ever saw it. I want to run oba and dual battery so the space under the hood was premium to the factory air box.
I opened up the passenger side so I could jam a cone filter into the cowl. Water leaks into the area in small amounts and it will fall into the cabin air intake if its not covered. I solved that problem with some plastic pipe, cut into a C shape, then used it to cover the cabin intake. I also put a small-engine air filter into the cabin intake to act as a cabin air filter.


original write-up is here but loads slow because web-host is low bandwidth