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non jeep-97 yamaha exciter 220 boat

Do you ever plan on taking the boat into Saltwater? If so stay away form an I/O. Its doable but alot more upkeep than a regular outboard. The new 4-stroke outboards are outstanding. You could buy a nice used outboard for the cost of replacing an outdrive. Just food for thought.


Thank you, I don't plan on taking the boat into saltwater.we boo tweet in freshwater and like to go too lake mohave, so now that I'm still green with boating and am looking for the next boat I found 2 that interest me but not sure which is the better choice... 2000 seaswirl 195 (close to 3k lbs dry with 5.0volvo) and the other a 97 glastron se195(1900 #dry and also 5.0volvo penta). Deep v hull on the seaswirl and heavier=smoother ride? or glastron alittle older and lighter b but better weight to power ratio (not sure how the ride would be in doughty choppier waters from wind.
the plan is a family boat for tubing ,wakeboarding, and comfortable.
Of topic, I know.
Those wouldnt be my first choice of brands, but I grew up on fishing boats and those are more my style. Those would both be a good entry level boat and something good to learn with. If your an experienced boater then forget what I just said. Deciding between the two is up to you. I would first start by inspecting each boat inside and out, every little nook and cranny. On production boats you can tell alot from the fit and finish. If you do not trust your judgement and this is an investment that you plan on enjoying for a long time I would suggest getting a surveyor.

Also a test ride/drive is highly recommended on the boat you choose. Anyone selling a boat will offer a test drive/ride to serious buyers if there is nothing to hide. If seller refuses a test ride, I would move on.

Do you know what BOAT stands for?

Personally I would build this as a bowrider.

Good Luck. I love boats and plan on building one from the site above as soon as I can.

mostly I'm deciding between shapes of the hull for a smoother ride when the wind chop starts(my buddies big searay spoiled me). wow build it your self boat...to much Work for me but would definitely be a nice feeling/accomplishment once completed. Thank you and new lower price is
5,000.00 obo