Hosted by the DFW Chapter of TX4WD
Home Sign Up Pricing, Schedule & Details Who's Signed Up? Volunteer
Event Prices
Event Registration (per rig, preregistered and prepaid)
PreRegister and PrePay includes a shirt, sticker and meal ticket
Register and/or pay at the event adds $20 and includes a shirt, sticker and meal ticket while supplies last
Passengers are free.
Primitive Camping is included.
Includes Park Entry
Event registration is for each rig/driver pair. If multiple drivers wish to compete
in the same rig and the same event there must be a registration for each driver.
(i.e. if you want to drive your rig in the morning and the rock garden and
your friend drive it on the obstacle course and afternoon that is one registration.
If you both want to drive the same rig on the rock garden and obstacle course that
requires a second registration and the rig will have two numbers)$80.00
+ $20 if paid at the event
Park Attendance Only (per rig, preregistered and prepaid)
Register and/or pay at the event adds $10
Passengers are free.
Primitive Camping is included
(Per Rig is defined as a trail capable vehicle in the park.)$40.00
+$10 if paid at the event
T-Shirts (first one included with pre-register/prepay)12.00 Child
15.00 Adult
Electric/RV Camping
Paid on site,
no reservations
There are limited RV/Electric sites in the electric camp ground. One RV per site and as many tents and rigs as you can fit in the same site.$25.00
Meal Tickets (first one included with pre-register/prepay)15.00
Event Stickers (first one included with pre-register/prepay)5.00
Gate Hours
Friday 03-01-2013 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Saturday 03-02-2013 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM for Megarun Contestants check in
7:00 AM - 1:00 PM for Megarun Park Entry Only check in
1:00 PM - 10:00 PM for already checked in attendees only (must have wrist band to enter park)
Sunday 03-03-2013 8:00 AM - 2:00PM
Must already be checked in to get in Sunday (must have wrist band to enter park)
All visitors must be out of the park by 2:00PM
Friday 03-01-20138:00AM - 11:00PM
Park Check In 10:00AM - 8:00PMMR Check In and Mandatory Safety Inspection 7:00PM-9:00PMPoker Run
Run the trails as a group and build a winning hand
20 raffle tickets to the winning hand(s)
Meet at the Pavilion to line upSaturday 03-02-20137:00AM - 8:00AMMR Check In and Mandatory Safety Inspection
CLOSED AT 8:00AM SHARP! NO EXCEPTIONS!8:00AM - 8:30AMMandatory Drivers Meeting
Meet at the Pavilion, NO EXCEPTIONS!8:30AM - 1:00PMGroup Trail Rides
All Trails Closed except for group rides.
Sign up at the pavilion Friday or Saturday before the drivers meeting.Lunch on your ownPicnic on your own or munch on something while watching the afternoon events.1:30PM - 3:30PMRock GardenCome check out the wild action at the Rock Garden.
Head to your right when going from the pavilion towards the office.2:30PM - 5:00PMObstacle CourseLots of fun to watch, even more fun to drive.
Located between the pavilion and the electric camp site.2:30PM - 5:00PMBlind Man's BluffEven more fun to watch, but driving...hmmm, how much to you trust your partner to be your eyes?
Located between the pavilion and the electric camp site.5:30PM - 7:00PMDinner (1 meal ticket included with pre-registration/pre-pay, purchase add'l at checkout)
Awards Ceremony & Raffle
YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN RAFFLE PRIZES!Sunday 03-03-201310:00AM - DoneKing of the Hill Challenge (Timed Trail Challenge)
Poker RunMegarun will start off with a Poker Run. The Poker Run is a fun group ride on a mild trail loop that will get your 4 wheels trail ready and let you meet your fellow competitors. Be sure to bring your score sheet (included in your registration bag) and meet up at the pavilion. The group will head out to predetermined checkpoints where you will draw a card. The card will be recorded on your score sheet. The run will end back at the pavilion where each score sheet will be examined and the best poker hand takes the prize.
Trail RidesSaturday will start off with a morning trail ride. There will be multiple trail leaders running groups through some seriously fun trails. We try to limit group sizes to make it more fun for each group. The different classes will experience trails suited to their difficulty.
All non Megarun rigs and Megarun competitors who do not wish to join a trail ride group are asked to stay off the trails during this four and a half hour window. This allows the guided groups to get through the trails on schedule without having to wait on other traffic. Don't worry if you do not want to participate in the group rides, there are plenty of open trail hours during the weekend.
Rock GardenThe Rock Garden's object is to see how far you can get in the time allotted. The rig in each class that goes the farthest in one minute wins. If more than one rig completes the course under the time limit, the rig with the lowest time wins. Expect to see some carnage.
Obstacle CourseThe Obstacle Course challenges each driver to complete a series of obstacles. The course is designed to equalize the playing field: extremely built rigs will excel in some areas whereas stock rigs will excel in other areas. This is a timed challenge but speed is not always the key. Awards will be given for the best time in each class.
Blind Man's BluffSo you think you can drive? What if we said you can run your rig but you can't see what is coming? Yep, you are the driver and you are going to be blindfolded. A copiliot of your choice* will be sitting next to you and telling you where to go and what to do in order to navigate the course we have laid out in the fastest time. This will be a blast to watch but be carefull how close you sit to the track!
* Megarun is not responsible for any lost friendships or broken relationships as a result of your choice of copilot. Please choose wisely.
King of the HillSunday morning is time to settle old scores. A timed trail challenge; the winner of this event will walk away with bragging rights and a trophy (KotH trophy will be awarded for the Unlimited class and an All Others class) . This trail is a closely kept secret. You may put your name in the hat to run this trail, and will be allowed to back out if you want, but we do not reveal the name of this trail until Sunday morning. It's time to put up or shut up!
Vehicle/Driver Classes
Competition EventsClassRequirements
MildNo larger than 35" tires
Open diffs or stock limited slip differentials only
Stock to mildly modified
WildNo larger than 40" tires
Factory or aftermarket traction assist devices (lockers, including welded spiders and spools)
No wheelbase alteration
Typical suspension modifications on mostly stock vehicles
XtremeNo larger than 46" tires
OEM Chassis (mild modifications allowed)
More extreme suspension modifications
Reactive suspension only
No rear steer or cutting brakes
UnlimitedRear Steer
Cutting Brakes
Active control suspension
Non OEM chassis
UTVUmm, self explanatory. If you don't know then you are not in this classParticipants choose their class during registration. Your class may be changed during tech inspection in order to keep the competition fair.
This list is a guideline only, the inpection team will assess each rig at check in.
All decisions of rig competition classification by the Inspection Coordinator are final.
Trail RidesTrail SetSuggested EquipmentTrails
MildOpen to all.
Easy to Challenging 1 & 2 Rated Trails
For vehicles with open differentials. Stock vehicles. Four-wheel drive needed occasionally. Scenic ride with a few challenges thrown in. Obstacles may include sand, creek crossings, mud, loose rocks, and semi-steep hills and descents.
WildRecommend having 31" tires or better,
at least one traction-aiding device and a winch.
Difficult/Technical 2, 3, or 4 Rated Trails
Trails include steep hills with loose rock, mud ledges, and off-camber situations. Vehicle damage possible.
XtremeRecommend 35" tires or better, locking differentials front and rear and a winch.
Harder 4 & Insane 5 Rated Trails
Vehicle damage probable. Experienced drivers only. Most of these trails have steep hill climbs with loose rock and big ledges near the top. The equipment lists are just generic suggestions. Individual driver skill, experience and comfort level should be taken into account when selecting a trail ride group.
Talk to your trail leader and other participants if you have questions. The trial leader has the final say of who can join each group based on their assesment of participant capabilities.
Poker Run 20 Raffle tickets (per winner in case of a tie)
Rock Garden UTV Class 1st Place Mild Class 1st Place Wild Class 1st Place Extreme Class 1st Place Unlimited Class 1st Place
Obstacle Course UTV Class 1st Place Mild Class 1st Place Wild Class 1st Place Extreme Class 1st Place Unlimited Class 1st Place
Blind Man's Bluff UTV Class 1st Place Driver / SpotterMild Class 1st Place Driver / SpotterWild Class 1st Place Driver / SpotterExtreme Class 1st Place Driver / SpotterUnlimited Class 1st Place Driver / Spotter
King of the Hill 1 Winner for the Unlimited Class and 1 Winner among the other classes
People's Choice 1 (by ballot)
Carnage 1 (by event committee)
Important Information
TMTC Membership is not required and will not be recognized for park entry.All BMRA/TMTC Rules are in effect for the duration of the event.
Park Rules and RegulationsOHV Sticker are required for all rigs in the park. There will be no OHV stickers for sale at the gate, so please purchase one before Megarun.
OHV stickers can be purchased directly from TPWD over the phone (easiest way) or from various local retailers.
Click here for OHV info
If the game warden is on site and sees no valid sticker, you can be issued a citation for anywhere from $50 to $500. DFW-TX4WD, Megarun and BMRA/TMTC are not responsible for your fines.Motorcycles will not be allowed in the park during Megarun. Violators will be ejected from the park upon discovery with no refunds or recourse.Quads will be allowed for transportation around the park, following guided runs between trails and on Quad allowed trails during open trail times.
Quad riders must wear D.O.T approved helmets and no double riding allowed. All Quads on the property must have an OHV sticker.ALL entrants into the park MUST sign a Waiver. This includes passengers.ALL minors (under age 18) MUST be accompanied by an adult. If the adult is not the parent or legal guardian, the waiver must be signed by a parent or legal guardian and notarized prior to attending. A copy of the waiver is available
here.While we make every effort to make Megarun safe for everyone, accidents do happen.
In case of an emergency situation that requires immediate medical and/or police assistance please follow these guidelines:
1. Contact the local departments.
Upshur County Sheriff 903.843.2541
Gladewater Police Dept. 903.237.1199
Poison Control 800.764.7661
Fire Department 903.843.3225
Animal Control 903.237.4530
Ambulance 903.843.5641
2. Notify any personell working the front office or the front gate that emergency services are on the way.
3. Notify a Megarun official.
The park is located at:
6284 State Highway 155 N
Gilmer, TX 75645
and the GPS coordinated for the front office are 32.8007,-94.8759
NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR OTHER DRUGS THAT IMPAIR JUDGMENT OR PERFORMANCE ARE ALLOWED ON ANY TRAIL RIDE for consumption by MEGARUN XIII participants or passengers. Any participant judged to be under the influence of any drug either legal or otherwise will be removed from the competition. Money will not be refunded, those involved will be banned from future event participation and may also face TMTC/BMRA actions. There will be plenty of time for drinks when the driving is done. A schedule is posted on this website. It is the responsibility of each participant to review and follow the posted schedule. Each participant must be registered and inspected before participating. Early registration and check in through inspection is highly recommended. ALL required equipment (safety and recovery) must be in place and checked by the inspection crew before participation will be allowed. Minimum required equipment includes but is not limited to:
- Green charged fire extinguisher (in reach of driver)
- Seatbelts or harnesses for driver and all passengers
- Roll protection- cage or steel top that covers driver and all passengers
- Battery mounted securely
- Fuel Tank or Fuel Cell properly capped and vented Under hood --no fuel leaks or loose items.
- All caps in place and in decent running order.
- If windshield or glass is present, must be safety glass and securely installed.
- Tow points front and rear
We will have our on-site equipment inspectors checking rigs at check-in time. Your rig will be checked for the basic safety and recovery items required as per the checklist. Your rig will also be checked for compliance with the classification rating you are in or have applied for. (IE- tire size, lockers, lifts, etc….) Our inspection team can change your registered classification at their discretion. All classification decisions by the inspection team are final.
Safety is of the utmost importance. PLEASE check your rigs and equipment carefully and thoroughly. If any item is judged to be unsafe you will be dropped from the event(s) you have registered for. The required equipment list and safety checklist will be enforced without exception. If you have any questions at all or over any item, please contact us via e-mail. We want as many people as possible to participate, but we must insist that we do it safely.MEGARUN XIIIis a family oriented event. All persons are responsible for keeping it that way. Lewd, obnoxious, obscene, aggressive or other bad behavior will not be tolerated. There will be a large number of people at the event. Do unto others as …. You know the drill. Let’s all get along. You must provide us with a viable method of contacting you. E-mail is preferred. When registration deadline is reached, and you have not paid the registration fee and you did not leave us a means of communicating with you, your position on the roster will be released for the next in line competitor. ALL rules and regulations of Megarun and TMTC/BMRA must be followed by participants. Failure to do so will result in your removal from MEGARUN XIII, along with any disciplinary action by TMTC/BMRA.Pack it in, Pack it out. Please leave the park cleaner than when you arrived. Megarun has been held at BMRA for many years now, it is up to everyone participating to ensure we are welcome again next year. If the inspection is missed, regardless of reason, there is no entry into the events or refund. For those who pre-paid the entry fee, your shirt, sticker and info will be available for pickup after the events are over or mailed out to you the week after we get home from MEGARUN XIII.