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JK Questions

Alex E

NAXJA Forum User
Sooooo...I've been wanting a JK for quite a while now and I'm thinking of finally getting one. Does anyone own one or done some research on which years are the best? They seem to hold their value a lot and with cheap APR's from Jeep I'm thinking of buying new. I was looking at the HP and TQ of the new 3.6 VS the old 3.8 and was wondering if which one is actually nicer to drive or more reliable. I'm open to buying a slightly used one or new just depending on reliability and drive ability.

Any input or experience would be awesome.
2012. DONT go older. The older motor has very little power. I know theres some issues with the heads on the newer, but out of everyone I know and all the different companies I assoc. with, not one has has an issue with their 2012.

If you go down to buy it new, make sure you request your gear ratio (3.73 unless its a rubi then 4.11). Now with the newer motor, Jeep feels you want a 3.21 in everything but the Rubi, which gets 3.73's now. Used to be (and can still order it as) 3.73 in anything except a POS stock manual lowest level 2dr, and 4.11 in the rubi.
pentastar heads are an IN STOCK item with chryco dealers ;) that should tell you something. the 3.8 is crap so i wouldnt even go there my friend hates her rubi with an auto it has 0 power

never buy the first year of anything.....wait for a 2013....be prepared for computer controlled everything....be prepared to be frustrated by it. if you go rubicon the lockers have about a 70k lifespan and then your replacing actuators at nearly 200 a pop and you need a bearing puller to get the diff apart.

3.6/6speed/3.73's is about the best combo out there
Yeah, I'll just have to test drive them both and see. I'm pretty sure I'll end up getting a new one. Problem is Rubicons hold their value and I wont pay 30k for a used car, second the used non-Rubicons hold their value just enough to where when they are in decent used car price territory they now have way to many miles.

I want a 4 door for sure. I've been going back and fourth on the idea of Rubicon for 38k or for a 4 door sport with a few options for 28ish. The thing that really sets them apart new for new is most likely better interest rates and more negotiable on the standard Wrangler VS a Rubicon. Everyone wants a Rubi and they wont budge much on the price. They are 10k difference in price plus your paying additional taxes on the extra 10k, plus financing so when its all said and done the Rubi could be close to 15 grand more then a sport. So I've been pricing out what I could do to a regular sport model rather then pay the premium for a Rubi...not to mention I'll mod a Rubi anyway.

Its a lot to consider. My main thing is XJ's are getting older...even 01's. I want something that I don't have to constantly chase issues on or find parts for, just to keep it running. Currently I have an 87 XJ, its locked F/R, 4:1 t-case, 6.5 lift, 33's, manual tranny, winch, bumpers, sliders, the whole nine yards. I drive it EVERY WHERE and its been a great rig. I thought about getting a newer XJ but I will not drive an auto, not to mention thats 3-5 grand for an XJ if I could even find a stick worth buying. Then I'll swap over my stuff but I'll still spend quite a bit of money because I'll want my newer XJ to be perfect and nicer and what not. When it comes down to it a 3-5k XJ plus swapping parts and fixing it up could be a healthy down on a new JK. Not to mention rather then spending 300-500 bucks every few months to keep my Jeep in perfect running order I could just suffer with a car payment for a while.

Maintaining my current XJ isn't a problem, I'm a mechanic and I literally build or rebuilt EVERYTHING on my rig including the bumpers, t-case, engine, tranny, axles, you name it. But the constant nickle and dime crap gets old.

Just food for thought...

Lastly...newer cars have more crap to break...so now what? I'm done ranting, time for bed, peace out.
I'd buy a nice car and keep the XJ for fun driver.

reap the benefits of much better fuel mileage daily.

at least that's what I did.
I'd buy a nice car and keep the XJ for fun driver.

reap the benefits of much better fuel mileage daily.

at least that's what I did.

Yeah your right on that part. Problem is I have 3 vehicles and I'm sick of maintaining and storing them around my house. I'd be selling one of my mustangs along with my XJ to consolidate things. Although...selling the XJ would be stupid for 2 reasons, you'll never get back what you have in it AND I might as well beat that into the ground then a new Jeep.
I've never seen a JK that could wheel nearly as good as an xj, keep that in mind. at least with an equal build. plus they are gutless and HEAVY.
if i ever got a non xj jeep, it would probably be a LJ
I've never seen a JK that could wheel nearly as good as an xj, keep that in mind. at least with an equal build. plus they are gutless and HEAVY.
if i ever got a non xj jeep, it would probably be a LJ

Your statement about ability is far from the truth.

I have not seen many XJ's that can do what a JK Rubi does typically. But then you have to compare the $$ invested in what your comparing.

A heavy XJ build would (typ) include 35's, lockers, armor, 6" lift, heavy trimming.
A medium JK build would (typ) include 37's (or 39/40's), lockers, 4-6" lift with Coil over front, some armor, and front fenders.

The XJ would be lucky to fit 4 people inside (I would not sit in the back thats for sure).
The JK (4dr of course and the only way to buy one) I have and would sit in the back when ever. Not to bad at all in back seat.

The XJ will not likely make backdoor at JV even with a good familiar driver.
The JK will likely make backdoor with same driver.

The XJ will not handle on high speed as good as the JK.
The XJ will not have any occupant protection unless added (cage).
The XJ will likely have a failing part every 2 trail trips, due to age and just reg maintenance needs. A JK will not for years.

A JK will cost you about 40K to get to this level though and a XJ will take about 20K. I know people will say my XJ cost me only 10 bucks to build, but in ALL honesty, that is a 10$ XJ that will perform like one too.

My EMC XJ with Alot of very nice stuff is about a $40-50K rig when all said and done. My buddy just bought a JK Rubi 2012 for about 38K and put 12K into it. His will go Everywhere I try to take mine. Yes he will cry when done due to body damage. And he is on D44's (JK which are way diff then others), and I am on a D60RJ and 14b, but he will follow just fine for the most part I would bet.

But he gets to drive it there and home. Yes he doesn't have all the race safety stuff either, but how many need that anyways.
my xj with jk width d44's front and rear, 35's, coilovers all around, long arms, 4:1 tcase, lockers, chromos, boatsides, etc weighs 3900lbs empty, substantially lighter than a jk rubi. maybe the drivers sucked (i'm no prize either), but i've definitely outwheeled every jk i've been out with, on 35's to 37's. i have maybe 7-8k into my rig right now, including what i paid for it stock. you've obviously been around heeps a bit longer than me, but i'm just not seeing it. Hell, the 2 and 4 door jk's a few of us wheeled with at goatfest couldnt even make clawhammer or turkey claw without a few winches.
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Although...selling the XJ would be stupid for 2 reasons, you'll never get back what you have in it AND I might as well beat that into the ground then a new Jeep.

those were my reasons.

Now I daily drive a Honda that rides better than any Jeep could, gets better mileage and I beat the MJ mercilessly off road.

The fuel saved pays for the costs of keeping the Jeep around. Big difference between 25 MPG and 35 MPG.

When's your XJ go out of CARB's purveyance? Another thing to consider. Don't they stop testing when things make it to 25 years old or somehtng?
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my xj with jk width d44's front and rear, 35's, coilovers all around, long arms, 4:1 tcase, lockers, chromos, boatsides, etc weighs 3900lbs empty, substantially lighter than a jk rubi. maybe the drivers sucked (i'm no prize either), but i've definitely outwheeled every jk i've been out with, on 35's to 37's. i have maybe 7-8k into my rig right now, including what i paid for it stock. you've obviously been around heeps a bit longer than me, but i'm just not seeing it. Hell, the 2 and 4 door jk's a few of us wheeled with at goatfest couldnt even make clawhammer or turkey claw without a few winches.

I will not start derailing a thread or doing my old habbits. I will say though that alot of time you have to build around what you have to build for. Not to mention I am sure that the JK's were 100% more scared then anyone in a XJ and they prolly drove them as so. And I would guess that they drove them there in a perfectly climate controlled cockpit, while sipping their coffee and enjoying classical music, and wondering why the navi said they were 2 ft off course. :-)
I drove a stock JK Unlimited when I went on vacation a couple of years back. No serious Off-Roading, just some forest roads and a cheap bottom line 2009 unlimited with poor tires.

Even in some mud we encountered, we had no issues.

I liked the room, and ride, and lack of noise, so I looked around when I got home.

For 7K less than the cost of a used JK Unlimited with 60K on the clock, I ended up with a 06 LJ with 60K on the clock, with more noise, and less cargo room, but more pickup and a bill I could afford. Even after lift and tires, I spent less than a used JK.

@ 87Manche California stopped doing the 25 year rule, 1976 and older is no smog and 1977 and newer requires smog. We also have to smog 1997 and newer diesels now. They want to bump the smog/no smog years down to 1965 and older and 1966 and newer. You can also call in and report smoking or stinky vehicles to some department and they'll send you a naughty letter. I hear we have a program also where California will pay the first 500 dollars of a repair bill if its emission related and your car fails smog. I like clean air and water but it just shows where California stands. Its good to some degree but border line insanity. Anyway, I wont get political.
I will not start derailing a thread or doing my old habbits. I will say though that alot of time you have to build around what you have to build for. Not to mention I am sure that the JK's were 100% more scared then anyone in a XJ and they prolly drove them as so. And I would guess that they drove them there in a perfectly climate controlled cockpit, while sipping their coffee and enjoying classical music, and wondering why the navi said they were 2 ft off course. :-)

I'm sure the JK guys had a little more reserve when wheeling such a pricy rig like that. Best bang for the buck? Not a JK, thats for sure. My Jeep does just fine, I've done a lot of Moab including Moab Rim and Hells Revenge. I'm the kind of guy whos slow and steady and I'll reverse down and try it again, with lockers, 4:1 and 33's I've wheeled stock D30 shafts for 6 years and haven't broke anything. I drive my Jeep to and from the trails and to work 85 percent of the time. Anyway, I guess that gives you and idea of what I'm looking to do. I think a JK will fit my lifestyle well. I go to the desert regularly just to explore, camp and do what ever. I love fire trails as much as the Rubicon.

My Jeep is just old, as are the newest XJs. Its a double edge sword, old is cheap and high maintenance and new is reliable (for now) but they have more crap to break also...:repair:
@ 87Manche California stopped doing the 25 year rule, 1976 and older is no smog and 1977 and newer requires smog. We also have to smog 1997 and newer diesels now. They want to bump the smog/no smog years down to 1965 and older and 1966 and newer. You can also call in and report smoking or stinky vehicles to some department and they'll send you a naughty letter. I hear we have a program also where California will pay the first 500 dollars of a repair bill if its emission related and your car fails smog. I like clean air and water but it just shows where California stands. Its good to some degree but border line insanity. Anyway, I wont get political.
1976 and up needs smog. 1975 and down doesnt.
I will not start derailing a thread or doing my old habbits. I will say though that alot of time you have to build around what you have to build for. Not to mention I am sure that the JK's were 100% more scared then anyone in a XJ and they prolly drove them as so. And I would guess that they drove them there in a perfectly climate controlled cockpit, while sipping their coffee and enjoying classical music, and wondering why the navi said they were 2 ft off course. :-)

LoL, its nice to see people wheeling JK's hard. I wasn't there and I know photos and videos don't do wheeling trips justice...but both of those people tried to drive straight up that stuff. Any time I see something like that I drive diagonal up it and it work ten times better...juss say'n.

One thing that does worry me is the length of the 4 door, I'd see having to go higher lift and bigger tires just to match what an XJ wont high center on. The two door JK...not sure what their problem was. Thats just my 2 cents.

My buddy has a truggy Yota on 38's, locked F/R, you name it, I go ever where he goes. Yes he can go through deeper water, yes he can climb a higher vertical object but at the end of the day we both do the same trails (not always the same line) but we still make it from point A to B together. Nice thing is I drive mine but he trailers his...I think it would be similar with a JK. Honestly XJ's are damn impressive on 33's.
@ 87Manche California stopped doing the 25 year rule, 1976 and older is no smog and 1977 and newer requires smog. We also have to smog 1997 and newer diesels now. They want to bump the smog/no smog years down to 1965 and older and 1966 and newer. You can also call in and report smoking or stinky vehicles to some department and they'll send you a naughty letter. I hear we have a program also where California will pay the first 500 dollars of a repair bill if its emission related and your car fails smog. I like clean air and water but it just shows where California stands. Its good to some degree but border line insanity. Anyway, I wont get political.

well, that makes sense. CARB has to justify their existence with new rules, it's in their mandate.

That would factor in my decision as well. I don't have to deal with any emissions stuff, so my oft unused Jeep doesn't matter. Keeping a 25 year old XJ in emissions compliance might kill you.

what about a newer XJ you can bolt all your stuff on and a nicer used car to DD?