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Jeeps in the Vineyard '12


NAXJA Forum User
Hey Rich, you ready to hit it up again, This time let me know if you need anything for the Yummmmmmmm this time around..........
Nov. 10th is coming up fast! Registrations are up and we now have 27 sponsors a new JITV record. The grand prize in the raffle is a 8500lb winch with synthetic line courtesy of CSE offroad. Every participant will receive a free tot bag from GP 4x4 with some awesome discounts from Zone and BDS plus buy 1 get 3 free oil changes from Pine Belt Jeeps. With the free tot, discounts, free oil changes and of course your free event t-shirt not to mention the free wine tasting how can you go wrong for $25. Get those registrations in we do have a limited amount of space! http://www.grassrootsjeepclub.net/Je..._Vineyard.html
Registration dead line has been changed to Oct. 28th at midnight to allow the printer time to print the shirts! Registration and payment must be in by then to receive your FREE event t-shirt!

We are more than half way to being sold-out don't wait get your registration in now before it's to late!

Every participant will receive a special raffle ticket for a chance to win a hood louver kit courtesy of Hyline offroad!
Time is running out! Just one week until preregistration closes! Don't miss out on your free event t-shirt! With 150 entries already processed space is also running out! If you have submitted your registration and have not received an email confirmation this usually means we are still waiting for your payment! We must receive your payment to get the free t-shirt!
I hope everyone made it through Sandy OK! We closed pre-registration with 185 vehicles! We will have a limited number of space available at the gate until 10am or sell out! If there is something you would like to purchase from one of our 10 vendors contact them to insure they will have it there for you. The vendors are listed on the JITV webpage. The N.J. State Park Police will be on hand collecting toys for their Holiday toy drive so please bring a toy for the kids! With the devastation left by Sandy the toys are needed more then ever! Just a reminder the show is located at the Valenzano winery 1350 Old Indian Mills rd. Shamong N.J. 08088 We'll see everyone in less then 10 days!