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Jeeps built in China?


NAXJA Forum User
Petaluma, CA
Read this and thought what a bunch of garbage. Jeep does build vehicles overseas, the Gallopher which looks like an XJ Cherokee was very popular in South Korea when I was stationed there.

Manufacturing jobs go overseas, it doesn't matter which party is the White House.
slightly off the OP a bit......but you know what always kills me....

people get pissed when they hear about jobs going over seas....

then they look for who to blame....blame bush, blame romney....blame walstreet, blame the business owner, blame a rich guy....

and then the same person goes right over to walmart, or whatever big box happens to be the selling foreign-made junk at the lowest price....
slightly off the OP a bit......but you know what always kills me....

people get pissed when they hear about jobs going over seas....

then they look for who to blame....blame bush, blame romney....blame walstreet, blame the business owner, blame a rich guy....

and then the same person goes right over to walmart, or whatever big box happens to be the selling foreign-made junk at the lowest price....


Naxja has tons of them these days as the 'quality' of the users continue to change for the worse.

As much as I dislike buying Chinese made goods, I simply can’t afford to pay a premium for everything I purchase on a daily basis. It’s naive to think North Americans will be able to compete against ALL their Chinese-made counterparts. That’s the cost of operating in a global economy. I think the solution’s pretty damn complicated; it’s definitely beyond my pay grade, but I do have some thoughts.

First, the western world needs to start holding-on to their stuff longer. Paying a premium for something isn’t quite so bad if you don’t replace it every time you see a shiny new commercial for something new. That would reduce China’s volume coming here – less product = lower economies of scale = higher Chinese product costs.
Second, China needs what Americans (republicans in particular) are eager to dismantle – unions. Organized labour yields higher wages which equal to higher Chinese made product costs which narrows the gap between US/Chinese made products.
Third, China‘s artificially deflated Yuan needs to be tackled at an international level. Barring that, their communist government needs to run its course. Communism is a unsustainable form of government anyhow. They only exist as long as they can keep their population working; you’ll see revolt the moment their population feels new government will improve their quality of life (hint: you can’t improve quality of life by paying your population pennies on the dollar).

The alternative is to prepare the North American population for a new economy that doesn’t depend on those types of manufacturing jobs. That’s easier said than done; that will take buckets of money, and reform that retrains the current generation and coaxes the next to pursue those fields.

You said China needs unions...........

3rd needs to be 1st (however I do agree with your 1st), which Romney has committed to do. We shall see how effective he will be.
The evolution of America's consumer based economy can be altered by reducing regulations on businesses who want to build stuff here, but are disincentivized by the US government to do so. Smaller government has a collateral effect on every aspect of our economy.
Unions are supposed to a key part of the Communist Utopia, correct? Then how come Communist China doesn't have unions?

Expensive union labor in the US has pushed jobs offshore, where governments in oppressive countries such as China negotiate contracts on the backs of slave laborers. Now I'm going to sit back and watch you chicken/egg this one.........
Unions are supposed to a key part of the Communist Utopia, correct?

Labor unions?

What purpose would labors unions serve in a communist utopia?

From where would disputes between "labor" and "management" arise in a true communist utopia?
Unions are supposed to a key part of the Communist Utopia, correct? Then how come Communist China doesn't have unions?

Expensive union labor in the US has pushed jobs offshore, where governments in oppressive countries such as China negotiate contracts on the backs of slave laborers. Now I'm going to sit back and watch you chicken/egg this one.........

Chicken/Egg this one? Do you want a level playing field between US and China without flushing the average American’s standard of living down the sh*tter or don’t you? Christ, it’s like I’m arguing with Henny Penny here.

Your comments imply all unions are greedy, rigid, and incapable of changing with the times. Your solution, therefore, is to abolish unions rather than challenge them to reform, and you’re against the Chinese seeking labor reform that would narrow the US/China trade gap. It’s like you completely forgot unions played a key role raising the average American’s standard of living. But hey maybe you're right; maybe it's time your kids stopped mooching off your teat and got themselves some cushy jobs at the cotton gin or coal mines.

I rest my case.......
Dude, you have a case full of loose marbles
communist utopia
That's an oxymoron if I ever heard one. The very fact China's system abuses its workforce is the very reason there's room for labor reform.

I really don't see any other options here.... either strip Americans of their benefits until their wages parallel those of foxconn, OR get the Chinese to push for higher wages of their own so Americans don't have to make those hard (and unwarranted) sacrifices.
Didn't forget anything, the theory that unions help workers and improve the standard of living is a great one.

Unions DID serve an essential role when they first started. However, the Industrial Revolution is over now and there are regulations set on any industry. Unions now create, or rather protect lazy workers.

You deleted an interesting post. I guess you're right. I was a lazy worker when I worked 13 hour shifts (with no overtime) at my unionized job while going through college and starting up my business.
unions are BS. i've been in manufacturing my entire working life and i would never, ever work in a union shop. nothing good comes of that crap. if you cannot make a decent living without a union, you are in fact part of the problem. it ruined the US auto industry IMO.
As far as Chinese crap, the junk we get from them is indeed crap. They DO make decent stuff, but none of it reaches here as it isnt worth importing it as it will cost as much or more than our crap. Material costs don't change much between here and there, and with Lean Manufacturing, there isn't much in the way of manual labor these days on either continent. you generally get what you pay for.

btw, i have nothing against anyone who works for a union, nor do i think they're all lazy. i know in some industries you don't really have a choice.
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Fine. If you believe unions suck ass than it's more the reason to want them in China - to muck-up their economy.

If you truly feel that unions are antiquated than that's fine too.... provided your government has some checks and balances that protect wages and work conditions.... oh wait.... the US government is in pocket of lobbyists (that don’t care about the regular guy), and most of the folks here want a government stripped to the bones
Yeah beer! Chinese beer Tsing Tao good stuff. Kung Pao Chicken, Broccoli beef, Green Curry chicken or Shrimp. Mmmmmmmm! Unions boo, old mentality, thugs type tactics, not willing to reform, public service sector even worse. I remember as a child gov. Jobs were the steping stone to good private company jobs. Now its the other way around. If you ever go down the road and see costruction jobs going on the one with the guys leaning on the shovel is union, the one with the guy using his shovel is non union. Both get paid roughly the same but the leaner cost more from my pocket. I'm, we're paying him twice as much for taking longer to do the same job while paying for his retirement which I can't afford to pay for my own. Then he acumulates all his sick days and retires 2 years earlier while I lose mine for not using them. And we're the greedy ones that want to stop this unsustainable nightmare.
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Chicken/Egg this one? Do you want a level playing field between US and China without flushing the average American’s standard of living down the sh*tter or don’t you? Christ, it’s like I’m arguing with Henny Penny here.

Your comments imply all unions are greedy, rigid, and incapable of changing with the times. Your solution, therefore, is to abolish unions rather than challenge them to reform, and you’re against the Chinese seeking labor reform that would narrow the US/China trade gap. It’s like you completely forgot unions played a key role raising the average American’s standard of living. But hey maybe you're right; maybe it's time your kids stopped mooching off your teat and got themselves some cushy jobs at the cotton gin or coal mines.

Dude, you have a case full of loose marbles

The Chinese don't want reform - closing the trade gap would be bad for them.

Tariffs don't work - history has shown us that.

I've been saying for years - strike a "balance of trade" agreement with China, and that will help stop us bleeding money overseas. Arrange it so that they have to buy from us to within, say, 2% of they want us to buy from them. Can't have it always work in their favour - if the "balance" swings their way one year, it must swing back the other way the following year (this achieves parity in the long term.)

It's not a tariff - it's merely striking a balance. That's what a "trade" is - a balanced deal with both parties get something they want.

(Yes, I know the Chinese want dollars, and we want cheap crap - but that's not doing us any good, and can't really be considered a "trade." Remember swapping baseball cards when you were a kid? That's the sort of arrangement I'm thinking.)
Tariffs don't work - history has shown us that.

Just wanted to point out Brazil as an example of an economy still going fine and they have INCREDIBLE tariffs on imported goods.