My 99 2.5L did this exact same thing to me today.
Ran great as normal last night. Got in this morning and it cranked right up as normal but when I put it in gear and let out the clutch it cut off. I tried to restart and it just turned over and over but no fire.
After checking all the fuses, wires, ect. I tried again. After about 3 mins of trying it fired up and idled. it ran for about couple minutes and I tried to give it gas it sputtered. I could gently give it gas and get the RPM's up but when I tried to rev it it cut off.
I put new plugs, wires, cap, and rotor in it about 10K ago. Today I put in a new coil, TPS, and CPS. I got it to fire up once more but it ran rough and ended up cutting off when I gave it throttle.
It also started backfiring through the intake, and kinda sputter when I turn the key back from running the starter.
When I try starting fluid I get nothing. I pulled the # 4 plug and can see sparks when the engine turns over. I tested the volts at the injectors and I can see the pulse and can hear the ticks. When I pressed on the valve on the fuel rail gas sprays out. I can hear the fuel pump cycle when the key is turned on.
Its getting spark ,fuel, and air but will not run....
I am left with wondering about jumped timing now I guess. I did replace the gears, chain, and tensioner about 10K ago when I replaced one of my pistons. I has been running great since I did all that until this morning (6 months later).
When I put the engine at TDC #1 and look at the rotor position, it does seem to be past the point where #1 should get a spark.
Did you figure out what caused yours to start acting up? Anyone else out there ever have the timing on one of these 2.5L engines just all of a sudden decide to go out?
I REALLY hate to pull it all apart just to find that it was something else :-(
Added ****
Also, I saw in another thread someone asked if the gauges were working, yes they all work as normal.