the trick is, this tightening of the backlash is TEMPORARY.
it seems to fall into spec in no time anyway.
I'd rather set up for a tighter backlash and having to be extras cautious for a while (tighter backlash can run a little warmer) and end up where I want to be, than go to all the trouble of hitting the exact spec backlash during set-up, and be disappointed to discover my backlash has fallen out of spec into the sloppy zonE.
Furthermore, having a gearset run a wee bit toward to toe can be a good thing, ESPECIALLY on a jeep. Do to carrier and housing flex which there are amounts of in 30's, to have a gearset run with a wee bit tighter backlash and running slightly in toe, during those moments of "gettin it" increased pressure on the gearset from your motor and all that leverage you are putting on the set trying to go foreward sets that mesh closer to where it needs to go.....Better to fall INTO the sweetspot than out of it.
Maybe you think I'm crazy, I'm reporting on my methods based on what I've seen and tested, first hand......
are you kidding about *no* backlash?
I set up my front 44 to .003-.004 and has since opened up to .007.....
danas are far worse.
I will always set-up danas especially 30's (if someone has a gun to my head and MAKES ME do an r&p job on one)......
open backlash is sooooooo not a good thing!