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IC T-Shirts for sale at the 30th Anniv. Event


NAXJA Member # 13
NAXJA Member
Wasatch Range
It seems to me that the IC tshirt with it's Moab themed logo, might be a popular item for those attending the 30th event to purchase, raising funds for the IC.

If we have budget, consider doing a tshirt run in August to have them on hand for the October event.

I think it's a great idea. I know a lot of people are "t-shirt collectors" and like to get shirts from other chapters. Having members from all over the country in one place would be a great place to sell some shirts.

Funds are on the tight side, though. We've got the BBQ coming up that we would need to pay for and I haven't yet asked to be reimbursed for the chapter shirts I picked up for Derek yet.

Steve, what is our account balance right now?
The balance is $301.21. Tomorrow I will deposit a replacement check I received today (from the 29th Fall Fling; one of those three old checks) so the balance will be $331.21. So far, two of the three people I wrote to sent replacement checks. If I don't hear from the third one soon, I'll send one follow-up.
I've noticed reading back through several threads in the national BOD forum that the IC chapter still owes national some money for a BLM permit that was issued last year or maybe the year before for Fall Fling.

Has this been brought to any of you guy's attention?
No, it has not. I do have some BLM paperwork in the files that was for an issued permit, if I remember correctly. Perhaps that is what you are talking about. I'll pull the files tomorrow night and see what it is. Also, anyone else if you have any information on financial stuff, please let me know. I inherited a bunch of old checking account statements and miscellany, but not much information about any of it.
if your wanting to do a chapter shirt run before the event let me know. my guy has our files already and can do it for dirt cheap. he owns medic clothing and does excellent work. i can get an estimate if you guys want.
Usually 24hrs but have seen him do quicker. He prints all of my buddys mma shirts in less than twelve hours.