- Location
- Westminster, SoCal
So as I'm working on my BPE's I realized that the bolt that I used from the rear sway bar mount is the perfect diameter (12mm) to go into the shock sleeves, but it's about 1/2" to 1" too short.... so off I go to Lowes... ok, they are out (the whole drawer of 12mm bolts is empty except for couple shorties)... Ok, Home Depot is around the corner.... guess what, they are out as well..... ok, next stop Kragen: they send me to Home Depot or Lowes for the length I need. Ok, no biggie, AutoZone is across the street...... guess what.... they don't carry metric in their drawers GRRRRRRR ok now it's time to hit Ace hardware. Guess what... they are closed!!! ok, I hit PepBoys now (actually a good thing came out of it now: I found the rubber thingies for grease for the tierod ends
). PepBoys has plenty bins.... with one problem... THEY ARE EMPTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, I ask the parts guy and he says that he hasn't seen them for a while and after he mentions all my previous stops and I tell him: been there he says OSH. Ok, off I go to OSH. Well OSH has a great selection of standard bolts, but metric.... well they got those teeeny weeeny things (while the store assistant manager pointed to them and said I got metric too, I laughed at him). Anyways, as I'm ready to give up and go home, I go to yet another PepBoys and my jaw hit the ground. Those little bins for bolts were overfilled with all the sizes and lengths and grades!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hog Heaven, I found my bolts!!!! (it only took 2hrs and probably about 50 miles of driving in a spiral away from my home LOL)
SO.... anyone else had an interesting Sunday?

SO.... anyone else had an interesting Sunday?