To give credit where credit is due, you are going to have a copycat out there.
I will post up my own thread once I finish these up, but I am pretty happy with how it is going so far:
From the back side. You can see the piece of Lexan that serves as a retainer.
You can't see the piece of Lexan that serves as a spacer, but there is one between the lights themselves and the metal. It gets me pretty close to flush.
The metal enclosure is quarter armor from Ares, ordered with blank light boxes. The stainless button head 1/4-20 hardware matches what Ares sent out for the mounting of the quarter armor.
Making the openings was a bit of a bear. I really wish someone already offered this as a product, but if someone wants to do so I am going to suggest they need to supply the lights themselves. I have lights from three different manufacturers on hand and the shapes are all slightly different. You might not immediately pick it up by looking at the pictures, but the center lights (back-up lights) are different from the upper/lower lights. They are slightly less wide (long dimension) and have a slightly different radius in the corners. Compare the black reference lines and the material left between those lines and the lights and you should be able to note the difference. Also you should be able to see they stand more proud than do the others. Whatever the standard is for this configuration it has a pretty loose tolerance.