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Dusy-Ershim in Aug.?


NAXJA Forum User
Albany, CA
Can anyone refresh my memory about the dates for this trip? Richard? Is it still a go? Amy is going to miss the June Rubicon trip but will be back from Nepal late July and we're still really hoping to run the Dusy if the trip is still happening.


i have a family reunion that weekend 1,2,3 is that set in stone??

We're doing the Dusy the weekend of Aug 15, two weekends after the Swamp Lake run. It will likely be a Thurs-Sun trip. I'm running it with whoever wants to go along (properly prepared, of course), it's not an organized trip. A few of us have talked about going, and a couple of my friends from Bakersfield might go, but it's not a big XJ run like Swamp Lake is.
Count Amy and I in


Amy and I are definitely planning on coming, count us in.

XJCHUCK72 said:
It could be a big XJ run, There are a lot of new people, from up north, in Fresno and down south. I've never been there, but I am willing to help make it what it can be. There will be strict adherence to the rig requirements though.

Swamp is a big XJ run, and is only two weeks away from the Dusy dates. Dusy requires good equipment and plenty of spare parts since it's a very long way for any help. The Rubicon is basically 9 miles plus the dirt road out, Swamp is 12-14 miles, but Dusy is 33 miles of trail......not the place to break down without the right equipment.

I'll be there, and will be happy to lead trail.......that way I get first shot at a camping space. :D
VegasAnthony said:
so where exactly is the Dusy trail coming from Las Vegas???

It's in the Sierra's east of Fresno. It starts at Courtwright Lake and ends a little east of Huntington Lake. It sort of makes a bigger loop than the Swamp Lake trail does.
FarmerMatt said:
You're a sick man Curtis if you enjoyed that last year. :eek: It's going to we a while before my family's up to it again.


It was all part of the adventure:D :D :D
Had things turned out differently, I might not be so enthusiastic;) Besides, Daniel had an :angel: looking out for him and in the TRUE Jeeper spirit wanted to finish the trail. How could the rest of us let him down? :D
Handlebars said:
I really enjoyed it last year too! 4 rigs on that trail is a really nice group. Or was it 6?

It's kind of a long drive for me now. :( Maybe I'll get fired by then. :)

We started with 6 and ended with 4. The 2 Toys left early :(
I led the run last year with Matt, Curtis, Alex, and 2 Toys --- I don't think I'll be running it again this year. It was a long trail with a little too much excitement at the beginning. Maybe next year I'll go back.

Enjoy yourselves!
