Maybe I am beating a dead horse here, and I've searched but I guess didn't find the information I was looking for. My XJ is 3 linked (RockKrawler) up front and currently is using a factory mounted Rusty's adjustable trackbar. After being in the rocks a couple times it has developed some slop in it, looks to be a somewhat wallowed hole for the frame-side mount. Anyways, I am moving up to a 35" tire very soon as well as upgrading/bracing the steering box at the same time, and would love to replace/modify that mount and add a beefier track-bar. My question is ....what are you guys with a similar set up running? I still have UTK steering, and would prefer to not use a drop pitman arm if I don't have too. I keep reading mixed reviews on this brand and that brand..etc. I do still drive this Jeep on the street a bit, but probably not for too much longer.
Thanks for the advice
Thanks for the advice