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do's and dont's of owning and operating a winch


NAXJA Forum User
South Elgin IL
Just installed my new 8000lb amphibious winch ive never used a winch before and sorta looking for some top notch advise on what to do and not to do when operating and owning a winch thanks!!
I've never owned a winch, but you should always keep a shirt or blanket on a tight winch cable. If the cable was to break, that should keep it from flying through the air, and killing someone or damaging a vehicle.
Watch the Warn video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceAoes6tcxs&list=UUIQyXA_yUT_FMdoJqOES3zw&index=9 , and never get your hand close the fairlead when feeding in. It brings the suck real bad.

Also, in the video, they are only recovering an ATV and don't cover this: You should put something heavy on the line when doing a hard pull. If the line snaps, it will try and wrap around that object instead of heading back like a boomerang to the winching vehicle.

Here is alink to potload of other Warn videos. http://www.youtube.com/user/wwwwarncom

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It's funny this thread was made... I too just installed my first winch... I got the X2O comp winch, so my line is synthetic, it's pretty nice, I built the base design to my winch bumper(I'm going to tube the rest of it) but for now it's functional
simple thing, but always respool it under even a slight amount of tension....
simple thing, but always respool it under even a slight amount of tension....

and if you can't do this with the weight of the vehicle or don't have room to unspool it all and winch it all back it you can do something different.

Unspool it all, get yourself some 2x4's and come 8" c clamps.

Clamp your 2x4's onto the cable right in front of the fairlead. Now winch it in and the drag from the 2x4's will provide he tension you need to re spool it. Move the 2x4's side to side to layer it properly, be careful not to get your hand pinched.
You'll have to retighten the c clamps periodically.
Works good to remove kinks in the cable as well.

shown to me by crotchety old tow truck driver. Not safe in any regard, use tip at your own risk.
and if you can't do this with the weight of the vehicle or don't have room to unspool it all and winch it all back it you can do something different.

Unspool it all, get yourself some 2x4's and come 8" c clamps.

Clamp your 2x4's onto the cable right in front of the fairlead. Now winch it in and the drag from the 2x4's will provide he tension you need to re spool it. Move the 2x4's side to side to layer it properly, be careful not to get your hand pinched.
You'll have to retighten the c clamps periodically.
Works good to remove kinks in the cable as well.

shown to me by crotchety old tow truck driver. Not safe in any regard, use tip at your own risk.

Don't do this with a synthetic line.
and dont do this with playdoh.....or body parts that may be kind of like a rope....or a small squash...or.....

Cheese "Clarence Carter wont be singing about you" Man