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Difference btwn 4 & 5 spring clutch plate


NAXJA Forum User
I’m preparing to replace all clutch components on my 99 XJ. I’ve not done this before. What are the differences/benefits between a 4 spring and 5 spring clutch plate? Vehicle is just used for driving around town, no off roading. Thanks!
one spring!
The springs in the hub dampen drive line rattles coupled from the engine when lugging the engine. They are noise and vibration damper for light loads. They won't affect engagement.

They call them "idle damper springs".

5 springs seem to be the norm
I run what's called a "solid hub" (no springs) on everything I own, I don't care for the spring hubs failure rate and the solid centers give a more positive engagement/feel. It's all about personal choice as they also soften the shift.