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Co springs exterminator recommendation


NAXJA Forum User
Colorado Springs
Does anybody have an exterminator in the springs that they would recommend? I have a bigger mice problem in my house than I first thought. My house got flooded last week when the supply line to my dishwasher burst. Ruined my kitchen, dining room and basement. Insurance is covering most of the damage but I was about to start rebuilding my kitchen and I covered a hole in the floor with a board and within a half hour I could hear a mouse scratching at the board tryin to get in. I'm also starting to wonder if a mice could have possibly be what chewed thru the waterline. It was a metal braided line that wasn't new but I just installed the dishwasher 6 months ago and there didn't seem to be any damage to the line when I put it in. If I didn't have crappy luck this year I wouldn't have any. Thanks in advance for any recommendations and for reading my rant.
I've always had great luck with this :D

Mice can get through an 1/4" crack. Get a bunch of sticky traps and put them where the mice run, and pets(kids) can't get to them, that stuff is hard to remove. :) Mouse poison works well, but they can smell for awhile if they die in a wall. I use it outside, and put it near where the mice live, and the pet can't get it.
I just use the good old fashioned traps. I don't use bait either, just place the business end of the trap up against the wall. Mice have very poor vision so they tend to follow the wall and edges, using their whiskers to guide them. I was getting them in the house (my neighborhood has a lot of farm/field next to it) but since placing traps along the edges of the garage floor I haven't had any inside. I do regularly get them in the traps, and you can re-use the trap over and over again as long as you don't forget to check them and the dead mouse gets all crusted to it.
Just do it urself, get the old fashioned snap trap put on a lil peanut butter and put everywere you see sighns of mice. if you cant remember so well make sure you map out were all the traps are. Check the next mourning as mice do most of the activity at night when things are quiet.
Then cover up any small hole with steel wole pads, go around the exterior of house and basemeant if you have one and seal up every small whole with cans of foam. Then come pick up one of these hunter cats i have that need a new home and your problem will be solved and money will be saved.
Thanks for the advice. I'll start setting up some traps and start searching for their point of entry. I used that spray foam stuff a few months ago in a hole they were using but they chewed there way right thru that. I've heard the steel wool works I was just unsure that they wouldn't just drag that stuff away.
nope if they eat steel wool the will die. and they wont grab onto to drag it away just make sure theres a bunch stuffed in there. they also make that foam with posion inside pretty sure you might be able to buy it at bigger wal-marts if not online.
we use some standard type traps (plastic jaws), baited with peanut butter -- we had three mice, got two in three days, the third got cornered by all three of our cats and has not been seen again. We've been mouse free for a couple of months. Finding their entry point is key, though.
kindof fun in a perverse way, huh?
I've had great success with the old standby Victor snap traps. In fact I got them all in a few days by baiting with peanut butter (they were foraging in the kitchen trashcan and making a godawful racket, so I set the traps and baited with peanut butter the same day I took the trash out) and haven't had to set a trap since.
Hells yes, good old Victor Snap traps are the best. As I've said, once you get them cleared out and figure ut their main points of travel you don't even need to add bait. Stupid little bastards will just greep along the adge of the wall and the BAM!!! Jerry is dead. :D
I used to have a mouse problem at my cabin. I started using my grandfather's trick....a snap trap with believe it or not a small piece of bacon fat for bait. We actually had them hit the traps several times within minutes of placing them out. I wouldn't recommend leaving it where the family dog can get to it. However, I can say from experience that the dog will only do it once.
lol.. good read.

the thing that pisses you off the most, is putting a piece of cheese on the trap and waking up the next morning, anxiously awaiting to see the dead lil ****er, only to see he ate the cheese lol.. brave/dumb lil bastids! i have since learned to smear a tiny bit of pb.


I keep this old snapper at work. Like Dutch said, works even without bait, but sometimes I'll wedge a Craisin in there...something they have to work at to get out.

I keep patching it up, just for fun. That's 127 kills, if you're counting. :)
what a character... don't sign that trap or you won't be able to catch any more.
sorry, terrible computer engineering pun
Even with your cryptic hint, you lost me, kastein. :)

I'll post some of the more interesting kills when they happen.

Remember, the early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese (or Craisin).